The Influence of Evil
Evil is a strong force that requires an equally strong counter-force in order to be defeated.  It is often considered aggressive yet many evils are much more subtle and this especially demonstrated in the films. Evil doesn’t overpower, it seduces. 

Evil, in the film, is represented by the power of the Ring.  The evil characters started out with the best of intentions but evil overcame those intentions and robbed them of their humanity. Sauron was seduced thoroughly by its power.  The Ringwraiths were great Lords of Middle Earth who were overcome by the nine Rings of Power and became slaves of Sauron.  Saruman was a wise wizard who was tempted by the power of the Ruling Ring.  He changed Isengard into a factory for the manufacture of evil.
The most obvious character affected by the Ring itself was Gollum (Smeagol).  He was a Hobbit that became so obsessed with the Ring that he lives in a self-absorbed solitude, talking only to his “precious” as he calls the Ring.  The evil of the Ring is enslaving as Gollum’s only concern in life is to get back the ring that has been taken from him by Bilbo.  Gollum’s physical and mental deterioration into a wild creature provides a clear manifestation of the impact of evil.

Gollum is portrayed as wretched, not evil and viewers of the film are exposed to the inner conflict between good and evil that is occurring within Gollum.  Frodo appeals to Gollum’s good side by trusting him and we see Gollum arguing with himself.  In the end, however, the Ring’s power over him is triumphant.
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Many characters in the films are tempted by the power of the Ring but are strong enough to resist.  Gandalf, Galadriel, Faramir, and Aragorn all have an opportunity to possess the ring but understand that they would be unable to own the Ring and remain unaffected.  Boromir is sorely tempted by the ring but realizes that he betrayed Frodo’s trust when he tried to take the ring from him. 

The Hobbits have no grandiose use for the Ring; their main concern for destroying the Ring is to maintain peace in the Shire.  Frodo was chosen as the Ringbearer because it was felt that he would be the most likely to carry the ring successfully to Mount Doom.  In the end, even Frodo comes under the power of the Ring and cannot bear to throw it into the fire in order to destroy it.

Evil has a positive influence on some characters.  Characters in the films grow stronger in order to meet the threat of evil.  The Hobbits change from young, childish beings into heroes.  The Races of Middle Earth unite in their struggle against the evil forces of Sauron.
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