Sorry, but tina's collective site is history now!

Although I had fun building this website for the past 5 years, now it's time to say bu-bye! Due to the current awful free servers on the internet, and the simple fact that i got tired of webdesigning (or whatever that was) i decided to . And it's for good. I'll keep the domain, though. Thank you all for visitin' me during this long time, and i'm sorry to those who have sent me mail through the website for the last 6 months (which i didn't answer at all).

I hope that's enough! Thank you again ! =)

"And in the end... the love you take is equal to the love you make"

TINA - 02/03/2004

You can always find me at: E-MAIL and (UPDATED 07/2004) at ORKUT as Tina =) !