The Jersey Collection
I have begun a collection of MacArthur High School athletic jerseys. As of right now i have:
1) Varsity boys soccer-home: This shortsleeved gem is white, with three blue stripes going down the arms.  On the chest is a blue soccer ball and the letters MHS.
Away: I got the coveted away jersey, reverse of the home, gorgeous!
2) Varsity girls soccer- home: Identical to the boys, the navy blue substituted with red.
3) Boys Jv Soccer (3):
a- A lighter blue with a collar, kinda old and skanky
b- White, with blue ringers, has a soccer ball on chest, pretty nice
c- this is a big ugly mesh thing, red, says MacArthur across the chest
4) Levittown Track: I've got three of these
(a) is white, mesh, says Levittown across the chest in red, with red ringers on the shoulder.
(b) Very tight, like from the 70's, white with a red rectangle on the front that says Levittown in it.
(c) Also very tight, red with Levittown in white across front (a girls jersey)
5) Baseball: Talk about skanky, this is blue with a white "M" on the chest, and the number on back was white, maybe 20 years ago, now its a dirty yellow.
6)Volleyball: This little number is white with a red collar, and a little picture of a volleyball on the chest. Funny story about it to come later.
7) MacArthur Girls Basketball: This is a rare find, for this is the outdated model, so for this my master thief infiltrated  that lusty, sultry pit of sex, the girls locker room!!! This ones a beaut, white with red ringers on shoulder, says "MacArthur" across the front in red.
TinkeeStory:   I was playing the part,  wearing my volleyball jersey in gym volleyball.  Im playin, alls well,  when the dastardly athletic director comes up to me and barks in my face "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT JERSEY?"
me: "uhmm, i found it"
Him: "WHERE?"
me: "uhm, that room (point to athletic storage closet)
Him: "Well take it off (you little shit)*. You're not allowed to wear athletic jerseys in gym class"
       * - added in for dramatic effect
8) MacArthur Badminton: I got a girls badminton shirt, its awesome, its a polo shirt with a horizontal red stripe and a blue stripe across the chest and it has a blue M with stars around it, a beauty.
This is the Atholton Raiders jersey, the shorts are sooo small, and say raiders, the jersey says "Atholton".
This is the St. Mary's Jersey, Its pretty good
This is my Timberwolves jersey, which says Avery on the back, It looks better in person.
This one's awesome, Karl Malone of the Utah Jazz.
This is a pretty cool High School jersey, it says fruin on the back.
A 1970's Gonzaga girls jersey. The guy made it look a lot bigger than it is on ebay, its very tight.
This  is a hornets jersey, I kinda didnt want it, but i won it. Guess what! The fuck I won this from never sent it, but I fuckin paid.
This jersey's cool, but fetched a hefty price, Indiana Hoosiers
This is the jelleff jersey, I have no idea what jelleff is, and the jersey is shiny.
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