Hexagram Ritual Modifications

The Hexagram is used for planetary, sephiric, and zodiacaly forces.


  1. Qabalistic Cross
  2. Formulation of Hexagrams
  3. Analysis of the Keyword, Hexagram Style,

Hexagram Variations

  A            Binah              Saturn
B   C     Geburah  Chesed     Mars   Jupiter
  G           Tipharet             Sol
D   E     Hod     Netzach     Mercury  Venus
  F            Yesode              Luna     
Fire Earth Air Water
Fire Hexagram Earth Hexagram Air Hexagram Water Hexagram
East South West North
Table of Words
Planet Name Letter Planet Color Sephira Color Triangle Order Time/30°
Saturn YHVH ELOHIM Aleph Indigo White, Grey, or Black Fire Water 2.45 years
Jupiter EL Resh Violet Blue Water Fire 11.75 months
Mars ELOHIM GIBOOR Aleph Red Red Water Fire 1.9 months
Sol YHVH ELOA V'DAATH Resh Organe Golden Lots 1 month
Venus YHVH TZABAOTH Yod Green Green Fire Water 19 days
Mercury ELOHIM TZABAOTH Tau Yellow Orange Fire Water 7 days
Luna SHADAI EL CHAI Aleph Blue Puce or Shiney Black Water Fire 2 days

Lesser Rules

  1. Form the triangle with the point of the desired planet.
  2. Form the triangle of the point of the opposite planet.
  3. Vibrate ARARITA.

Lesser GD Examples

(These will be replaced by pictures eventualy.)

Lesser Unicursal Forms

Supreme Rules

  1. In the East form the hexagram of the desired planet and vibrate ARARITA. If multiple planets are being called use the hexagram of Saturn.
  2. Repeat this in the South, West, and North quarters.
  3. Invoke desired planets one by one in their physical locations at the time of the rite starting in the East moving clockwise to the North as such:
    1. Drawn the hexagram for the desired planet.
    2. Draw the sigil of the planant in the center of the hexagram.
    3. Vibrate the proper Sephira Name.
    4. Vibrate ARARITA.
    5. Vibrate the proper letter of ARARITA for the planet.
    6. Form the L.V.X. Gestures.
  4. If the zodiacal force is to be employed as well trace the planet's sigil in the center of the first triangle drawn, and the sigil of the zodiac in the second one drawn.
  5. Repeat in the South, West, and North quarters as needed.

Supreme Example 1

Supreme Example 2

Last updated on 17-Nov-2005 12:07 PM