Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram


  1. Qabalistic Cross
  2. Formulation of Pentagrams, Lesser Style
  3. Evocation of Archangels
  4. Qabalistic Cross

Formulation of Pentegrams, Lesser Style
Actions Pronunciations Comments
B   C
 D E
Walk to the East and trace a Banishing pentagram in the pattern of D A E B C D and vibrate YHVH.
The QC should be performed facing East in the center of the working space. Since YHVH is not supposed to be said according to tradition it is not surprising that there are many ways to say it.
Trace a line from the center of the Eastern pentagram to the South. In the South trace a Banishing pentagram in the same pattern and vibrate ADONAI. ä-dó-ní
Most agree that on some level they are brilliant white, since light is there medium. However since they are formed in the astral they can pick up a bluish hue, making them like the color of a flame from a gas grill or stove. So people use that color to reinforce that fact. Others have them "Scarlet Red" or "Bright Scarlet" since the pentagram is associated with Geburah.
Trace a line from the center of the Southern pentagram to the West. In the West trace a Banishing pentagram in the same pattern and vibrate EHEIEH. á-hí-á
Despite discrepancies of the pentagram colors, everyone agrees that the ring of the circle should be white.
Trace a line from the center of the Western pentagram to the North. In the North trace a Banishing pentagram in the same pattern and vibrate AGLA. ä-gä-lä  
Trace a line from the center of the Northern pentagram to the center of the Eastern one and return to center of the workspace.   Optionally at the center visualize the ring of the circle forming a sphere of light. Sensations of dissolving into the light or physical perceptions of the workspace i.e. feeling as if you were the physical environment are typical.

Evocation of the Archangels
Actions Pronunciations Comments
Form the Tau Gesture.   Make the effort to form a 'T' by looking to the left and right and seeing if you are lined up.
Say and vibrate "Before me RAPHAEL." Visualize Raphael in the East with Airy symbolism. rä-fä-el
Note that in the GD style magic everything is classified in some way and with a specific purpose. So when magicians describe Raphael of Air with a wand, it is the Caduceus of doctors and Hermes, not the implement of Air.
Say and vibrate "Behind me GABRIEL". Visualize Raphael in the East with Watery symbolism. gä-bré-el
While on the subject note that in the GD style Elemental, Planetary, Zodiacal, and Sephirotic are distinct levels and energies. Even if they have commonalities be sure to know what is being used and why.
Say and vibrate "To my right MICHAEL". Visualize Michael in the East with Fiery symbolism. mé-khí-el
Like with Raphael, Mike has the Fiery Sword of Dei smack down, not the implement of Fire.
Say and vibrate "To my left AURIEL". Visualize Auriel in the East with Earthy symbolism. au-ré-el
As the pentagram create a vacuum of elemental energies the Archangels fill it back with pure forms of it. The next step then balances them within the magician or is a natural resultant of it.
Say "For about me flames the pentagram and within the column shines the six rayed star". Visualize a pentagram outlining your body, and a column in the shape of a hexagram.   This is the most customizable part of the LBRP. This one here is the Crowley and Cicero style. Regardie has the pentagram is before, and the hexagram is behind. Kraig has the Pentagram about, and the hexagram within the person at the sternum.

Last updated on 14-Nov-2005 11:13 AM