
From the GD Notebooks the Hebrew Alefbet were assigned musical notes/pithces. It works out like this. On a normal piano there are twelve pitches between one octive. Naturaly each pitch recieves a sign of the Zodiac starting with the note C. From there the Planets are assigned by their colors of the Same Zodiac. E.g. Aries is Red, Mars is Red, so they both get C. Note that the planet colors are based of the King Scale, so Sun is Orange not Yellow. Finally again by colors the Three Mothers are assigned.

However a two problem occurs. First the music here is without normal harmony, so unless you have an instrument, good luck trying to get the right notes. Second the each letter is to have the same lengeth. This can get akward e.g. Gabriel (GBRYAL) goes from three syllables of (gä-bré-el) to six with(gä-bú-rr-é-ä-el).

So I made some MIDI files adding rhythm so that each sylable has the same measure. I used the program Lilypad to make them which allows the creation of MIDIs and PDFs of the sheet music from their script language which mirrors music notation. Well enjoy.

Middle Pillar: MIDI PDF LilyPad
God Names: MIDI PDF LilyPad
Archangels: MIDI PDF LilyPad
Angel Choir: MIDI PDF LilyPad
Last updated on 03-Mar-2007 05:47 PM