Tirtha Pratim's Brainchild, the Quantum Space Vehicle (QSV) concept Honoured by the Indian Space Research Organisation
The concept of Quantum Space Vehicle (QSV), the first of its kind in the world, proposed by Tirtha Pratim Das, has been honoured by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The proposed Space Vehicle has got all of its subsystems working in Quantum regime and hence is very much different and magical compared to the present-day conventional space vehicle based on classical physics.

The concept was presented by Tirtha Pratim Das at the Astronautical Society of India (ASI) conference on 28th July, 2005, which was inaugurated by Hon'ble President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. About five thousands of eminent scientists were present in the conference.

The St. Mary's Church, which was the foster house of the Indian Space Programe, now has been converted to the Space Museum, which is a major attraction to the scientists throughout the world.
Tirtha Pratim's QSV concept has been preserved permanently as an independent panel in the Space Museum.

The features of the Quantum Space Vehicle include:

1. Communication system (TTC) based on quantum information theory and due to the quantum non-local effects, it has zero delay, unlike the electromagnetic wave communication.

2. The on-board processor based on quantum superposition of states and hence, un-imaginably ultra-fast, capable of  real-time decision-making in unknown and adverse space environment.

3. The electrical power of the vehicle is proposed to be derived from the Cosmic particles beyond the magnetosphere.

4. Sub-dimensional electronic and photonic devices proposed to be the building blocks of the quantum sub-systems.

5. Propulsion from matter-antimatter annihilation energy, offering a specific impulse of 1000000 s.
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