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About 35 kilometres from the west coast of Kedah state is a cluster of 99 islands collectively known as Langkawi. The name Langkawi actually belongs to the largest inhabited island in the group. In addition to the island's many land and underwater natural beauty, Langkawi's duty-free port status has provided visitors wilh another reason to visit the island.

A number of diving operators can be found either located within a hotel or at dive centres around Pulau Langkawi. Most diving is done around Pulau Payar Marine Park Group of islands. Strict conservation laws enforced by Marine Park Rangers around the islands have resulted in prolific marine life. A unique highlight in Pulau Payar is the presence of up to 20 juvenile black tip sharks providing excitement to the many snorkellers who visit the Marine Park centre. Although at times the plankton-rich waters can reduce visibility, the abundance of fish makes up for it, fusiliers, jacks, black tip sharks, barracudas and groupers are sighted on a regular basis. Coral life is a mixture of hard and soft corals. Pulan Kaca is a favourite for easy, shallow wreck diving, with dozens of sunken fishing trawlers providing refuge for a variety of marine animals. The Pulan Payar group of island offer the best diving along the west coast.

Pulau Payar
(West Coast Peninsular Malaysia)
Pulau Payar is located south east of Langkawi and north of Penang Island. No form of accommodation is available on the island; only the Marine Park centre occupies its solitary beach. Speedboats or catamaran shuttle divers from Langkawi to Pulau Payar Marine Park within an hour.

The best diving is to be found from the western tip to the southern and eastein portion of Pulau Pavar.

Coral Garden
Coral garden is located on the western tip of Pulau Pavar. This dive site features both hard and soft corals along the island rocky terrain with depths from 5 to 18 metres. Visibility averages between 5 to 15 metres. huge boulders carpeted with dendronephthva soft corals offer numerous crevices that attract marine life seeking refuge from predators.

Titan Dive Team