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Renown for her natural eco-trails and tribal culture, Sarawak also has some diving sites. Pulau Talang Talang lying off the mouth of Sematan River is a protected turtle sanctuary and permission must be obtained to dive the area. The green, hawksbill and olive ridley turtles are commonly sighted in the vicinity.

A World War II ship wreck Katori Maru, located about 30 nautical miles from the mainland, was a Japanese troop carrier sunk by British aircraft. Being located further off the coast, water visibility is between 5 to 8 metres. The poor light penetration has resulted in little coral growth on the ship but it has managed to attract a number of large fish inhabitants and in particular, reef sharks. Locating the wreck is no easy task - it usually takes the local divemaster several minutes of cruising before locating the wreck.


Titan Dive Team