~America Is That Way~

**The ship has sank, but Fabrizio is still alive. (the moment of Fabrizio's death was not originally the way it is in the film)**


The boat is overloaded and half-flooded. Men cling to the sides in the water. Others, swimming are drawn to it as their only hope. Cal, standing in the boat, slaps his oar in the water as a warning.

Stay back! Keep off!

Fabrizio, exhausted and near the limit, makes it almost to the boat. Cal CLUBS HIM with the oar, cutting open his scalp.

You don't...understand...I have...to get...to America.

CAL (pointing with the oar)
It's that way!

CLOSE ON FABRIZIO as he floats, panting, each breath agony. You see his spirit leave him.

FABRIZIO'S POV: Cal is SLOW MOTION, yelling and wielding the oar. A demon in a tuxedo. The image fades to black.

(you really don't like Cal after this do you? Or did you even like Cal before??)

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