1. Continent of Tithorien (Zelbanoria) is comparable to asia.
2. Kenzeilen (capital) and Fechenzeri, and Zaulnor were the main metro areas of tithor, other cities existed, but were very small and arent recognized in this map.
3 You see the various mountain chains. The mountains of Malrew-Don is where the great tomb of the council members lies
4. The waking forest is called so because in the first attack of ssoriens, the troopers burned this forest to the ground and now after many centuries, it is starting to grow to its original shape and size (most tithorien trees take about 70 yrs to grow back, the trees of the waking forest take thousands and can live for that long)
5. You can see various lakes and the two main rivers ( zaul river, grand river) ssoriens of the old battle used these rivers to travel on to key attack points
6. Mextar is in the north west area of tithorien. It was surounded by forest called the Trees of Mextar, but they dissapeared after the first battle (towers power pushed back the tree line)
7. You can see the place where the two continents meet There are two gates at the middle named the iron gates of ssor and tithor (the ssoriens built both gates when they were banished from tithorien, the tithoriens had no idea they had their own gate)
8. Along Ssoriene (s-is-or-ee-en-a) there is a great wall stretching along the eastern coast. This was built in case the ''inferior'' tithoriens were brave enought to come after the ssoriens (the walls were granite, but they were capped with iron, thus the name Iron Coast
9. The parts of ssoriene are uninteresting and dont have a lot of say in the main story. Nalreuk, the capital, however is the big thing. the only main city of ssoriene, is where kalough was at the throne in the old story, and where kalough the insane set base back up in the modern battle. The other cities, Herinaris, Jarisk, and Quezqauy ( yes, ninka island is part of ssoriene, its where the ssoriens got a lot of their resources for the battles) are just small cities that are either manufacturing cities, or port cities.
10. The tropical islands were explored by the ssoriens, who were able to travel by the small islands that stretch up to the bottom of ssoriene. The tithoriens explored it later on. It is also home to the group of horses we humans call "zebras" and rich in fishing areas and has stones like diamond and that stuff...... a zebra baby was on board the first ship that crashed and populatd earth
11. I almost forgot about the two islands on the east and west of tithor. These were spots some tithoriens took refuge in the ancient battle that didnt trust the council
12. Erias is the ruin near the landbridge of tithorien and ssoriene. It was founded years after the ssoriens were banished to the West, and was created as the limit of tithorien expansion in that area (that would prove to be a downfall in the battle to come as the horses didnt knw what hit them when the outpost was attacked)This was a small outpost that wouldnt be regognized in the map, werent it for it being crucial tactical information for the tithoriens about the oncoming army