I am
I am the wind blowing through
the tree standing outside your window
I can feel you watching me
I am the branch that softly scrapes
the wall outside, against your window
I know you are watching me
During the storms you sit on your bed
facing your window, leaning on the headboard
watching the storm. I know you want to be free
I know you. Seeing the violence of a storm
wanting to be outside, to be out in the rain,
to taste the droplets, to smell the air, feel the earth under your feet.
Beeecomming Ooone With the blooWing Wind Savagely Shaking the leaves
to Fly High up up aWay to Be Free
Wanting to feel the rumble of the thunder through, in your body
Being the lightning streaking through, parting the clouds
Dazzling by flashes, Charging the sky, Electrify
and so at night, when it rains, you know if I am Coming.
you sit against the headboard of the bed facing the window
Hearing a storm, liking a storm, wanting to be part of a storm
When I am gone
All is quiet
YOU are left
alone ">
See Secrets
return to Amoureuse