T2 Shepherd Ministries, Inc.

T2 Shepherd Ministries works to disciple and assist moms in a crisis pregnancy, Christian couples starting a family and pregnant inmates in our local county jail. The ministry provides assistance with birth services, discipling, Christian childbirth education, and counseling to abortion and abuse survivors.

T2 Shepherd Ministries began in March, 1995 when Kathy accepted the first two moms through a referral from a local maternity home. For a period of 4.5 years, she assisted 19 moms as a part of the residential program, and several other moms who did not require housing.

In April of 1998, the ministry switched it's emphasis to working with non-residential clients because of concerns about keeping teen boys and girls in the same home without full-time parential supervision. Kathy began a new program, working cooperatively with the Chaplain's office at the county jail, the Chaplain's office at the county hospital, and the local hospital volunteer program. This program, Titus 2 Birthing Jail Emphasis, provides Christian Bible-based childbirth education in a 9-week rotation for pregnant inmates, identical to the program she teaches for private clients. Inmates choose to attend these classes and learn about prenatal, labor and delivery, parenting, and child safety topics. Inmates are also offered labor support during labor and delivery, either during incarceration or following release.

January, 1999, T2 assisted Metro Family Pregnancy Center in Garland to start an extension program in the Dallas County jail. The Dallas program, under the name of Project Matthew, continued after Kathy stepped down from the administration of that program to allow it to run independently.

Funding for the ministry has included a grant from a local pro-life group, income from speaking engagements, assistance with printing costs from the Chaplain's office at the jail, crisis care training from the hospital Chaplain's offfice and private donations from supporters who care. Half-Price books has assisted in the creation of a pregnancy library by donating books. Additional donors have donated books, videos and teaching materials. Those interesting in assisting with financial support or book donations can contact the ministry at titus2ed@aol.com.

Titus 2 Birthing is the educational part of T2 and currently has two primary programs. The Titus 2 Birthing: Christian Labor Support as Ministry training is a national Certified Christian Doula and Monitrice program. Training workshops are scheduled according to local interest throughout the county. The Titus 2 Birthing: A Return to the Biblical Model Christian childbirth certification program is also a part of this ministry. Childbirth educators can receive training to teach the Titus 2 Birthing curriculum. Birth professionals who are interested in training as a Christian childbirth educator can contact Titus 2 Birthing for additional information.

Future Titus 2 Birthing projects include an expanded companion parenting program, a pre-conception program and a breastfeeding class series.

Current Titus 2 Ministries Objectives:

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