How To...

write smileys. Smileys are used to depict feelings, "the tone", of an e-mail but then again everything can be misinterpret :).


  ;-)         Wink
  :-)         Smile
  |-)         Beaming, or happy dreams
  |-(         Late night messages
  |-I         Asleep
  |-O         Yawning
  |^o         Snoring
  %-)         Cross-eyed, silly
  :-*         Kiss
  :*)         Clowning around
  :-D         Big smile, or laughing
  8-)         Oh boy! Used to denote wide-eyed look.
  :-J         Tongue in cheek
  :-o         Oh Noooo!
  :-O         Big mouth, or talks a lot, or screaming
  :-/         Hmmm...
  :-#         Mum's the word, censored, not talking, shouldn't have said that
  :-X         Mum's the word, censored, not talking, shouldn't have said that
  :-M         Speak no evil
  M-)         See no evil
  :-w         Speak with forked tongue
  :-@         Confused, ill
  :-$         Ill
  :-}         Wry smile
  :-T         Trying to keep a straight face
  :-P         Tongue stuck out
  :-b         Tongue stuck out
  :-r         Tongue stuck out
  :-d         Tasty
  :-9         Tasty
  :-(         Sad
  :-c         Pout
  :-C         Very sad or unhappy
  :'-(        Crying
  &-(         Crying
  >:-(        Frown
  >-&         Angry
  }-&         Angry
  ?-(         Black eye
  }:-)        Mean grin
  B-)         Smiling with glasses or sunglasses
  @=          Mushroom cloud
  :-)Z        Bow tie
  :-)K        Bow tie
  :{)         Smile, with moustache
  #:-)        Matted hair
  &:-)        Curly hair
  @:-)        Wavy hair
  C:-)        Big brain
  <:-I        Dunce
  +<:-)       Religious official, or holds religious office
  +-:-)       Religious official, or holds religious office
  =:-)        Hosehead
  -:-(        Punk rocker (real punk rockers don't smile)
  :-(=)       Person has big teeth
  :-Q         Smoker
  :-?         Smokes a pipe
  O:-)        Halo
  =|:-)=      Uncle Sam

  The import of many of the faces can be altered or enhanced by
  adding eyebrow symbols:



  ||*(        Handshake offered
  ||*)        Handshake accepted
  (-_-)       Secret smile
  (@@)        You're kidding
  @           What?
  {}          No comment
  []          Hug
  ...---...   S.O.S.
  O-S-<       In a hurry
  O-Z-<       In a big hurry


  AFAIK       As far as I know
  BTW         By the way
  CUL         See you later
  FAQ         Frequently asked question
  FTR         For the record
  FWIW        For what it's worth
  FWTW        For what that's worth
  FYI         For your information
  GMTA        Great minds think alike
  HAND        Have a nice day
  IIRC        If I remember correctly
  IMHO        In my humble opinion
  IMNSHO      In my not so humble opinion
  IMO         In my opinion
  IMPO        In my pious opinion
  IOW         In other words
  JFTR        Just for the record
  L8R         Later!
  LOL         Laughing out loud
  NIMBY       Not in my back yard
  NRN         No reply necessary
  OIC         Oh, I see
  OOTC        Obligatory on topic comment
  OTB         Off to bed
  OTOH        On the other hand
  PIA         Pain in the "aft"
  POV         Point of view
  ROFL        Rolling on the floor laughing
  ROFLASTC    Rolling on the floor laughing and scaring the cat
  RR          Reply requested
  RSN         Real soon now
  RTFM        Read the "fine" manual
  TANSTAAFL   There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
  TCOY        Take care of yourself
  TIA         Thanks in advance
  TTFN        Ta Ta for now
  TTYL        Talk to you later
  TTYS        Talk to you soon
  URR         Urgent reply requested
  WRT         With respect to; concerning
  WYSIWYG     What you see is what you get
  YAA         Yet another acronym
  xmit        Transmit

  This isn't a comprehensive list or a definitive reference.
  Whatever's fun, makes sense to you and adds personal meaning
  to a message is what these are for.