ATTENTION: We've recently received reduced pricing in our parts and are passing the savings on to you!

Upgrade pricing depends on the make and model of your unit, as well as the final capacity you want and whether you want to add-on capacity (keeping what you already have, including your programs and settings), or replacing your original drive with a new, larger one (losing all of your settings and recordings - essentially your system will be a brand new one), to which you can also add even more capacity.

If you decide to completely replace your original drive with a new, larger, factory drive, your system would be like a brand new, off-the-shelf unit, so it would require going back through guided setup. You can then just either put aside your original drive and save it as a backup, or, we can send it out for reformatting to use as an add-on or have it completely wiped so you can use it in a PC.

On a Series-1 Stand-Alone TiVo (Philips HDRxxx, Sony SVR2000, ATTxxxxxx), we can add up to 155 hours to your system and replace your original system drive for up to another 155 hours for a total capacity of up to 310 hours!

Pricing is as follows for an add-on or replacement drive:

For a Stand-Alone Series-1 (non-DirecTV models):

plus tax (if applicable) and shipping and handling if you send the unit in.

*Note: Total capacity varies slightly from model to model and may not be EXACTLY as noted above. Also, on stand-alone models, capacity quoted is at basic quality; using the best quality for recording gives only approximately 30% of above quoted capacity.

Some units also require an additional drive mounting bracket which runs an additional $24.95. Whether or not the bracket is required depends on the make and model of your unit.

On a Series-1 DirecTV TiVo (Philips DSR6000, Sony SAT-T60, HNS GXxxxxx), the prices are the same, but the capacities are lower (due to the way the compression algorithms work):

plus tax (if applicable) and shipping and handling if you send the unit in.

*Note: Because of the compression algorithms used, the DirecTV TiVo's do not store as many hours as the stand-alone models on the same capacity drive. Also, total capacity varies slightly from model to model and may not be EXACTLY as noted above.

For a Series-2 TiVo's (both stand-alone and DirecTV models), there is only space (and the system is only designed for) a single hard drive in the unit. The only safe way to upgrade your space is to replace your current drive with a new, larger capacity unit. Neither the power supply nor the power regulation circuit on the motherboard are designed to handle the power requirements of two drives. Therefore, if you try to add a second drive to your system, you may risk irreversible damage to both your power supply and your motherboard as well. It also requires a special bracket to add a second drive, and the cost of the bracket alone run between $30-$40 (depending on your model) plus the cost of a power converter which runs about $42, so it's not an insignificant cost.

Because of this, we do not offer upgrades involving dual-drives on Series-2 TiVo's. The maximum capacity on a Series-2 TiVo with a single drive is up to 155 hours on a Stand-Alone model and up to 120 hours on a DirecTV model (depending on the make and model).

** If you have one of the newest units (TCD54xxxxx), you can replace your original drive with a new one with UP TO 280 hours! Call for pricing for upgrades to these units!

Pricing for REPLACEMENT drives for Series-2 TiVo's is as follows:

For a Stand-Alone Series-2 non-DirecTV units (TCDxxxxxx, Sony SVR3000, RCA DVRxx, AT&T, etc.), replacement drive pricing is as follows:

plus tax (if applicable) and shipping and handling if you send the unit in.

*If you have one of the newest units (TCD54xxxxx), you can replace your original drive with a new one with UP TO 280 hours! Contact us for pricing on the 280-hour upgrade for these units!

**Note: Total capacity varies slightly from model to model and may not be EXACTLY as noted above. Also, on stand-alone models, capacity quoted is at basic quality; using the best quality for recording gives only approximately 30% of above quoted capacity.

For a DirecTV Series-2 (Philips DSR7xx series, Hughes HDVR2 & SDxx, RCA DVRxx, Thomson/RCA R10, etc.):

plus tax (if applicable) and shipping and handling if you send the unit in.

*Note: Because of the compression algorithms used, the DirecTV TiVo's do not store as many hours as the stand-alone models on the same capacity drive. Also, total capacity varies slightly from model to model and may not be EXACTLY as noted above.

We use only factory certified drives, so you are guaranteed not to see any strange performance problems, including hangs, over-pixelization, or glitching, as with other "do-it-yourself" web upgrades that to use a sub-standard PC-compatible hard drive formatted with Linux hacking tools. The drives in your TiVo are specially designed for TiVo, and have a proprietary formatting that can be mimmicked, but NOT duplicated, with hacking techniques. This special formatting is necessary for the extreme demands of video streaming to ensure peak performance, and is only available on factory-imaged drives.

Upgrades to the unit do not affect your subscription service in any way. The service is independent of the amount of recording capacity of the unit. Note, however, that opening up the unit does VOID the manufacturers' warranty (which, if the unit is already over 1 year old, it's out of warranty anyway) on the unit.

All drives carry a 180-day warranty from the manufacturer PLUS we offer a 30-day warranty on our labor.

The actual time to perform the upgrade takes from 2-4 hours (including testing/verification/diagnostics), so turn around is 1-2 days.

If you're adding a second drive (as opposed to replacing the primary drive on the system), in some instances, depending on the level of hardware, a full system reset is required in order to activate the additional storage space. Unfortunately, what this means to you is that any settings or programs that you have currently stored on your system will be lost. You may also be required to go through the guided setup again to get your system setup with all of the guide information. However, this time the guided setup process will run in the background and you can begin using the unit in about 40 minutes. Again, this is only required on "some" systems, not all.

We're located in San Jose, CA, so you can either UPS the product to us or hand-carry it in if you prefer. If you would like more information, please reply using the email link below with a phone number and best time to reach you, and a representative will contact you within one business day. If you send your unit in, return shipping and handling will be added to the final price as necessary.

Again, thank you for your interest in TiVoUpgrades!

Click here for more information!

A quote will be sent back to you within 1 business day. All work waranteed for 30 days.

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TiVo is a registered trademark of TiVo, Inc. Philips is a registered trademark of Philips Electronics, Inc. DIRECTV is a registered trademark of Hughes Electronics.