Name: Cell.
Age: Unknown.
Race: Android.
Abilities: 12 Eyes, Barrier, Bukujutsu, Frieza Beam, Spirit Bomb, Kamehameha, Tri-Beam, Special Beam Cannon, Gallick Gun, Final Flash, Pi, Solar Flare.
Trademark Attack: Kamehameha.
Biography: Cell was created by Dr Gero. Cells main directive is to absorb androids #17 and #18. When he Woke up and found out that Trunks had defeated both the androids, he went back in time to fight them in the past. Cell is composed of the cells of all the greatest fighters in the universe, including, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, Tenshinhan and Krillin.
Forms Reached: form#1, form#2, Perfect Form.
Cell Saga: Non
Cell Games: Self destructs. Brought back by a brain cell. Killed by Gohan's one-handed Kamehameha.