Installation & Setup of the PONYPROG software     


Click on the setup button below to start the installation of the PONYPROG software (or right-click to download: 541 kB).
(Windows95/98/ME or NT/2000/XP).


Follow the installation instructions.
For more information on PONYPROG see:

Setup of the PonyProg software

  1. Start ponyprog, a friendly whinnying horse welcomes you..
    Two messages about calibration and setup will appear.
  2. Now connect your PIC programmer with a serial cable to your PC and plug in the 15V supply.
    Make sure that the GREEN LED of the programmer is on.
  3. Run calibration as below:

  4. Now run Interface setup:

    With interface setup you choose which com port the PICPROG is connected to.
    Select a COM port and then click on "probe" to check if it is the right one:

  5. To test your PIC programmer, select PIC16, PIC16F84 in the toolbar:
    (Do not insert a µController in one of the sockets)

  6. Now select "read all" from the command menu:

    PONYPROG will start reading data; and the RED LED of your programmer will light up:

  7. The result will be all "FF" because no device is inserted:

  8. Your PIC programmer is ready for use, you can test it with the example "LEDSRUN" on my main page: