Girls of Blue Webring

Girls of Blue

Hello! When I thought about building a webring, I wanted it to be an eclectic one. Since a number of anime characters I like are females with blue hair, I decided to build one based on that characteristic. So if you have an anime site dedicated to Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury), Rei Ayanami, Ryoko, Sasami, Tsunami, Umi Ryuuzaki, or another girl with blue hair, consider joining this ring.

Rules for the Ring are:
1. Your site must be dedicated to a female anime character with blue hair, and cannot be an anit- site.
2. Must have no hentai.
3. HTML fragment must be on main page or ring page accessible from main page.
4. Must have an active site. If you site goes inactive, you will be moved to the queue. If you site is still inactive after a while, it will be removed.
5. I will periodically review sites in the queue, so there is no need to e-mail anyone for addition.

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