
Problems surround me like the grains of sand surround the ocean  coast.
I am truly overwhelmed with depression and anguish, anger and fear.
My though process is clouded more so than that of the gray sky just before the rain.
Much like the rain I am wet, from the falling burdens that continue to soak my sprit and render me heavy.
I am in trouble yawl.
I see trouble ahead left it behind yet it’s gaining fast.
It’s past me now.
I am lost.
I don’t like the scenery but I continue to look at it each day.
I find peace only when I sleep, and have considered it as a permanent solution.
Then fear, reality and faith steps in, dragging me through another hour.
Powerless I am. Cowardless I am not.
I live by a set of obligations.
I deceive myself in instilling its for the greater good.
The farther I am torn down the clearer I can see through my smokescreen.
I did it to my self. I feel like I’m dying.
Yet I am not.
I am already dead, for this is not living.