Here are some more pics and info about Tae Kwon Do and Weapons we like! Click on the links below to read more about Tae Kwon Do, weapons etc.

Hier mehr Bilder und Info ueber Tae Kwon Do und Waffen die wir moegen! Klicke unten an den Links um mehr ueber Tae Kwon Do, Waffen, etc. zu lesen.
Action! (black helmet, 10-11 yrs. girls divison)
General Tae Kwon Do Information (what is Tae Kwon Do?)
ITF and WTF Forms
Info about Nunchaku
The Fan, an unusual weapon
In Deutsch:
Was ist Tae Kwon Do
Info ueber Nunchaku
Info in English about Bo Staff
   The bo, or staff, is probably one of the first weapons that mankind used to defend himself. The history of the bo dates back millennia, and is thought to be used first in China. It could easily be found, was easy to handle, and could be used for multiple purposes. The bo staff itself is believed to have been developed from the tenbin, a pole balanced on the shoulders, used to carry buckets    hanging from each end with water or grain.
The bo is a well known weapon used in many styles of martial arts practiced    around the world. It is one of the five weapons included into a style by the early Okinawan founders of karate. In feudal Japan, it was part of the bugei - early Japanese martial arts. Nobles and peasants used it in a similar way.   
Although the bo varies in size and length, all staffs are long pieces of well  polished wood, best described as a pole. Thickness of the bo varies depending  on the particular martial art one trains in. Though, it must be made so that    the fighter can comfortably make a tight fist around it in order to block and  counter an attack. The length of the bo also depends on the style of the martial art, however the most common length is a few inches taller than the practitioner. Its length makes it an excellent weapon against swordsmen, allowing the user to strike from a safe distance.
In a fight, the bo staff acts as an extension of one's limbs. All techniques are executed as one would without the weapon in your hands. An accurate jab to an enemy's vulnerable areas could easily disable them without requiring too much effort from the person using the staff. The bo is also able to block and    parry an opponent who may be fighting with the same weapon. Other tricks that one can use this weapon for include sweeping the legs out from underneath an opponent, breaking the knees, and sweeping dust into the opponent's eyes.
It is easy to find a good staff in a time of need. A good stick can be found almost anywhere at nearly all times. Now part of budo (martial way), the bo is often used in kata training and competition. Physical conditioning with the staff improves ones balance, coordination, and upper body strength, among other benefits.
Etwas Info in deutsch ueber Stockkampf (Bo Staff)
Im Gegensatz zu einem Schwert konnte sich jedermann einen Stock leisten, weswegen es eine weitverbreitete Waffe insbesondere bei der einfachen Bevoelkerung war. Einfache Stoecke fuer den ueblichen Gebrauch hatten eine Laenge von ungefaer 6 Fuss (1,80m), aber fuer den Gebrauch in Schlachten gab es auch welche mit einer maximalen Laenge von 12 Fuss  (3,60m). Fuer den Anfang beschraenken wir uns auf die kuerzere Variante aus Hartholz, entweder direkt aus dem Wald oder aus dem naechstbesten Baumarkt.  Beim europaeischen Stockkampf gibt es zwei hauptsaechliche Handhabungsweisen: entweder wird der Stock so gehalten, dass eine Laenge durch die Haende in drei etwa gleiche Teile geteilt wird (half-staff) oder dass eine Hand ihn am Ende und die andere ihn an etwa einem Viertel der Laenge haelt (quarter-staff).
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