Cole Derrick Jones
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Cole riding a "Wheelie" on his Harley. Don't know where he gets it from!

Oh my gosh! Cole fell out of a tree and I'm praying I catch him! Nah, just kiddin, Cole loves for me to throw him up in the air and hopefully catch him. I haven't missed yet at least! Look at the smile on his face while, as he says "frys" in the air. I get pretty good height for him to!

Cole going on his first ever Harley ride on the "Bumble Bee" no less. He talked the whole time we were out riding around. It's amazing how much more he saw with the wind in his face and no glass between him and the outside!

Cole and his Dad sittin on the ramps to the shop, chillin' for a little while. Cole loves to come out and ask me what I'm fixin' and spends a great deal of time exploring all the "toys" in the shop.

Cole and my buddy Jay driving around on Jay's tractor. Jay came over to spread out some asphalt on the side of our bulding to park on. Cole really had a riot and thought he was a "big" boy.

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