This Page Belongs to Lauren
This is Lauren's Toby Keith's Kids Club website. Her mom designed the site for her. After all. she is only 4 years old! All email is sent through her mom. Thanks for understanding. Remember, kids, surf safely!
This site of for kids who like music. Any music. Lauren's favorite is country, but it can be any type.
February 16
About Lauren
Cool Toby Keith Links
TK International Fan Club
Cool Kids Stuff
Country music, Sponge Bob, Geico commercials, the new Advantix tick and flea commercial and playing games on my mom's PC.
What's your favorite toon? Mine is Sponge Bob.
I can't read, but I love my mom to read Frog in the Kitchen Sink to me.
My favorite book is Frog in the Kitchen Sink and any Winnie the Pooh book.
Right now my favorite color is pink.
When I grow up, I think I want to be a singer.
This site is not owned by Toby Keith or anyone associated with TK. It is for the pure and simple enjoyment of a child.
Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.