TLEE's Weekly Sunday School Lesson

"Being Human" {628 words}
								Sunday, January 4, 1997

In Your Absence:

In this week's lesson, which came from Genesis 1:26-27, Psalms 8:3-8, and Matthew 12:9-13, we learned that God places a high value on each human life. The first important point of this lesson came from Genesis 1:26-27 and taught that God created us in His own image. What does it mean to be created in His image? Does it mean that we are perfect as He is perfect? Does it mean that we are eternal as He is eternal? Our Quarterly indicated that we often think that being created in His image means that we can think reflexively, that we can act intentionally, that we can exercise authority, that we can enter into relationships both with Him and with others, that we are and can be moral creatures, that we have a spirit, and that we have a unique personality which reflects His image. Each of these capacities is true, but there is more. God has given us corporate responsibility to rule over His creation, and He has given us individual responsibility to care for ourselves and others. Many Christians believe that good stewardship begins and ends with the collection plate, but it is important that we tend to all the areas of life to which He has entrusted to us.

In Psalms 8:3-8, we studied about another important aspect of our being human, and this one also takes into consideration the issues of life and death. King David, who wrote that Psalm, was amazed that the God Who created this universe and fashioned the heavens could also take any kind of interest in each individual’s life. When you think about such a thing, it is truly amazing. God cares so much for you and me, and He proved it on the cross at Calvary where He offered Jesus to die for each of us. Yet, humans often do not show the same high regard for human life. In our society, we have such things as abortion, physical, sexual, and/or verbal abuse of one another, assault, euthanasia, incest, prejudice, rape, and suicide. Rather than pull each other down, may we always act in ways which lift one another up. Rather than maintain a position which does not value human life to the same degree as the Lord, may we always do our part to influence those around us concerning the importance of every person’s life. Frequently, our society makes decisions based on complexity and financial considerations. It is often easier and cheaper to let the sick and elderly die than for us to make the necessary sacrifices to demonstrate a high regard for human life. It is often easier and cheaper to let a couple destroy their unwanted, unborn child than to take responsibility for each life whom God has created.

We have been entrusted with God’s creation, and according to Matthew 12:9-13, God sees us as persons of worth. Because these things are true, let each of us do our part to demonstrate a high value for every human life. Because these things are true, let each of us also do all that we can to encourage and help one another. People need the Lord. They need to be able to see Him in us. As you go through the coming week, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how you can best accomplish these goals for Him.

					Tom of Spotswood

"He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I John 5:12)

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

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