TLEE's Weekly Sunday School Lesson

"True or False Messengers" {621 words}
								Sunday, August 16, 1998

This Week’s Lesson:

In this week’s lesson, which came from Jeremiah 28:1-2, 5-13, and 15-17, we studied about the importance of developing spiritual discernment so we can heed authentic messengers and reject false messengers who claim to speak for God. In this passage, the Prophet Jeremiah had preached that judgment was coming to Judah because the people had been living in open immorality. Another prophet, named Hananiah, son of Azzur, told the people that peace and deliverance were on the way. Jeremiah had taken his direction from God, but Hananiah had only pretended to be God’s messenger. When confronted with the situation, Jeremiah said to Hananiah in front of everyone that a prophet’s words will always come to pass because their words are a true reflection of God’s leading. Jeremiah was trying to make the point that both Hananiah and he could not be correct, so the one whose words came to pass would be the real messenger of the Lord. Jeremiah stood alone against many of the prophets of that time who had only prophesied what the people wanted to hear. As Christians, we should always value truth over either the popularity of the messenger or the popularity of his message.

Our lesson also taught that we should value the messenger’s credibility as well as his or her confidence. In Jeremiah 28:5-13, Hananiah had behaved very confidently when he took the wooden yoke from Jeremiah’s neck and broke it into pieces. His demonstration was meant to show his confidence in his own message, but that confidence was not well founded. His confidence also was not a good yardstick for recognizing the truth. Jeremiah watched the display and left. Then, the Lord led him back to the assembly and had him announce to everyone that God would make their yoke of iron, instead of wood, and that they would not so easily break it. Jeremiah always remained faithful to his calling from God. Even when he was not well received and even when his message was rejected, he still always proclaimed the words of our Lord. As Christians, our goal should always be to speak the true words of the Lord. When we try to rationalize and give our own opinions about portions of Scripture, the results are always just that - our opinions! When we feel led of the Holy Spirit to pursue a particular course of action, we should always seek to discern the validity of the message and messenger. In the course of this life, we can often be swayed by many influences. So, it is essential for us to be wise, discerning, and careful while still always trying to move forward for our Lord.

Fear is not of the Lord. Therefore, as you go through the coming week, do not do so being afraid of making some kind of horrendous, heavenly mistake. Instead, commit your heart and life to the Lord and trust Him to keep you. Also trust Him to lead you where you need to be so that you can be about His business. As the Holy Spirit points out needy people to you, ask Him to show you how you can help meet their needs. As much as is in you, try to always be faithful to the One Who freely offered Himself to you and for you.

					Tom of Spotswood

"He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I John 5:12)

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

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