TLEE's Weekly Sunday School Lesson

"The Light Has Come" {608 words}
								Sunday, December 21, 1997

In Your Absence:

In this week's lesson, which came from Luke 2:8-12, 16-18, and 25:32, we continued to study about the importance of telling others about Jesus. Many people in this world know the facts of the Christmas story. They know that a child was born and placed in a manger in Bethlehem. They know that a light shined brightly in the night sky, and they know that wise men came from afar to worship the newly born King. Many people know the facts of this story very well, yet many of these same people do not know and understand the real meaning of Christmas. They know the story of Christmas, but they do not know the Christ of the story. On that night in Bethlehem so many years ago, a Savior was born, and His name was Jesus. He came to live among us, to live before us, and ultimately, to die for us on the cross of Calvary. If we were not sinners, then we would not need a Savior. But because we are, we do. If God did not love us, then He would not have sent His only begotten Son to be our sacrifice. But because He does, He did. And if Jesus did not love us as His own, He would not have been willing to come and die on the cross to set us free from the penalty of our sins. But because He does, He was.

The story of Jesus' coming from heaven's glory to die for you and me on a bloody cross in shame and humiliation is the greatest love story ever told. Nothing from the lust-ridden pages of Hollywood could ever match the wonder and majesty of this incredible, indescribable love which God has shown for each of us. His love for lost, sinful humanity defies logic. It even defies the shallow emotion which we humans sometimes call love. Those of us who have experienced His love should have a natural desire to bring others to Him. God's love in our heart and the indwelling of His Spirit in our life should be all the motivation we need to carry out the Great Commission. When the shepherds came into the presence of God's Son, they were changed forever. After their experience, they were eager to tell everyone what had happened to them. Should we who claim Christ as Savior be any different? Probably not. The shepherds had started out as normal people, just like you and me. But after their brief encounter with Jesus, they could not keep from telling others what had happened.

What can we do to tell the world about the birth of a Savior, about the work which He did for us on Calvary? In last week's lesson, we learned that we can let our own light shine before others so that they might see Christ within us. In addition to that, we can pray for missions, we can actually go to the mission field and serve, and we can use our own resources to help support this very important work. As you go through the coming week, please ask the Lord what He would have you to do so that the world may learn about our Lord.

					Tom of Spotswood

"He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I John 5:12)

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

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