Tina's Christian Book Store

Christian Fiction

Diane & David Munson In Facing Justice, the Munsons have created believeable people coming to terms with terrorists in America, loss of family, and the place God should take in juggling our responsibilities. Special Agent Eva Montana lost her twin in the 9/11 disaster. Now, her faith seems to be dwindling when she needs it the most. Work begins to consume her and her family takes a back seat to the new job.

How to balance a hectic family life, a friend in need, and home land security is a juggling act requiring assistance from her husband and, ultimately, her faith.

Courting Justice is centered around peripheral characters from their first novel, Facing Justice. Their new book takes a look at the court system, defendant misconduct, and struggling with faith. Another successful page turner by the Munsons.

Sam Yarney Sam Yarney has provided the first and second installments in a new series. One can only presume that he is leading up to the apocalypse, with dark characters, world domination, and prayer falling by the wayside. In Ninety Days, Yarney's main character, Cyrus Anderson, starts out as a profound non-believer. He and St. Thomas are of the same ilk. A no-nonsense international journalist, Cyrus takes in a stranger who will change not only the direction of his life, but might just take out the entire western world!
In Air Rage, we meet Cyrus and some of his cohorts again. Things have been quiet, but not for long. Cyrus has become a believer and is convicted about the power of prayer. But his rational side still rears its ugly head, making things more difficult.

Both books are fast reads, with adventure, surprise, and a positive message. If you have ever wondered why the end days have not drawn near, read how prayer and faith keep things moving forward.

Tim F. LaHaye
Jerry B. Jenkins
Very enjoyable series that is 'fiction'. The premise is what happens when Revelations becomes fact in our modern world. The action is fast-paced, biblically based. I find each book difficult to put down and cannot wait for the next one.

After reading the series, I have gone back to Revelations again and again, finding that the prophecies are there, and that LaHaye and Jenkins bring them frighteningly to life.

Adult Series The Kids Series

Gary E. Parker Gary Parker has done a masterful job of combining mystery with Christian practices. As an avid reader of mysteries, I have found this author able to keep me on the edge of my seat by providing villains we know about, and using Christian faith and belief to combat some of the evils of the world.

Christian Life Lessons

Devotionals and Bibles

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