Neuraltherapy (NT) is a medical speciality that studies and works with the health-disease process from the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) (Sympathetic and Parasympathetic).
For this medical concept, illness processes are related to the pathological memory that every incident in the course of life might leave in the working of the ANS and which affects the organism as a whole.

This new perspective on pathology is linked to the most avant-garde scientific theories: The Science of Complexity, The Theory of Chaos, Biocybernetics, Quantum Physics, etc. All of them lead us to a new paradigm, a different way of viewing the world, far from the mechanistic and reductionist theories which to date have been hegemonic.

In its conclusions, NT coincides with what is the most essential part of Classical Homeopathy thought. In its evolution and exercising, the full meaning of what is presently called Holistic Medicine is developed, comprises philosophical, anthropological and sociological perspectives.

Diagnostics, criticism and possibilities. Julio César Payán de la Roche.


encuentro bogotá 2003

>>Bogotá 15 - 18 August 2003