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Wario's Woods

Hero: Toad (finally)
Villian: Wario
Systems: Nes, Snes
Comments: Though Toad never had a game to call his own in the Nintendo world, this NES/SNES was almost there. It is a Tetris rip-off that couldn't be more unlike Tetris. You are Toad (or it wouldn't be up here), and you use bombs to blow the crud out of invading monsters. Wario comes and makes life harder by knocking the tree you are playing in. This makes the roof go lower and adds a sense of "you are being timed." Unfortunatly, the roof can be easily lifted back up by clearing monsters. This game is easy.
Tricks and Cheats:
Wario's Woods (Snes)
Need a challenge? Hold Left when you hit start on Vs. Computer for a harder game.

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