March 26, 2004
I went to a taekwondo tournament last week! It was really cool I competed in lower color belt sparring and patterns. Didn't do very well in patterns but I came fourth in sparring that was pretty well for a first tournament! There's a picture of it on the picture page check it out!

March 12, 2004
We filmed Fallen a while ago, I think it went really well! They're going to be submitting it to some festivals I don't know which though. Also I'm going to go to a taekwondo tournament soon! I'll compete in sparring and patterns, it's going to be really cool!

January 18, 2004
Thanks to everyone who has emailed me :) I haven't had time to reply to all of the emails yet.. I will answer here the questions lots of people ask! We will start filming Fallen next week in northern california. The director's name is Tim I can't remember his last name it's pretty weird and long! I'm not going to get another cat at least not yet! we buried Rascal in our backyard. I still do taekwondo and I got my green belt yesterday!!! i will start competing soon! And yes I can speak a little swedish not very much though.

January 4, 2004
My cat Rascal got hit by a car today and died..

December 19, 2003
I got the role in the short film! It's called Fallen and I play a character called Raphael in it. I really look forward to filming it, the story is cool and the director is really great! I can't wait! Also thank you for everyone for wishing me happy birthday! I got so many emails I can't reply to all of them, so I thank everyone here! My birthday was great by the way! We had a huge cake and my relatives and friends came over and I got almost everything I wanted. It was a great day! And I think next year is going to be even better becasue I turn 10!

December 8, 2003
I might be getting a new role! It's a short film and the story is great.. I will tell you more if I get the role.

December 4, 2003
My computer is working again! I don't have time to write all the stuff that has happened so I'll just write something! We have finished filming Remebering Charlie. It was a lot of fun, the director was great and all the actors and crew members were great too! The movie is very good and I think I did pretty well in it. Hopefully it will be out soon so you can see it and tell me what you think! Also I have been auditioning a lot as always.. there's a role I'd really love to get, the role in the Alexander the great movie. And it would also be cool to be in the Ender's Game movie! I've heard the script is ready so they might make it soon!

September 22, 2003
Sorry again I haven't updated. I have been filming Remembering Charlie and going to tae kwon do and scouts and playing with my friends. I will try to make a better update soon!.

September 7, 2003
I tested for my upper yellow belt at tae kwon do last friday and I got it!! I celebrated it with my friends, we went to the beach and had ice creams. It was fun.

We were supposed to start filming Remembering Charlie last month but it got delayed :( We will start next thursday.

July 27, 2003
Dad got our computer working again!!! But I still can't check my email :(

Oh, I got a new movie role!! I will play a charater of the movie when he was 7. It's a pretty big part! I'm going to a camp tomorrow and will be back on friday. So I can't update my site before that.

July 25, 2003
I would have updated my site but there's something wrong with my computer. I can't get online :(
Also the kinderstart email went down, so now I only have the yahoo one :(

But other than that, things have been great!! It's been very sunny and the water is warm so I can go swimming a lot! Also I'm going to a camp next monday. I can't wait!! I will start auditioning for movies and stuff again soon. But now I want to have a little break from all that!

July 7, 2003
Sorry I haven't replied to all emails.. I haven't felt like sitting at the computer becouse the weather is so great! I really should be sleeping now but it's so hot I can't sleep!

June 28, 2003
I just got home from our vacation! Well actually I got home a couple of hours ago and tried to sleep but couldn't, so I thought I'd update my site.

The vacation was awesome!! First we went to Florida to meet my grandparents and cousins. We were there for almost a week, and when everyone who was coming got there... WE WENT TO EGYPT!!!! That was the coolest place ever! I'd really love to post some pictures, but I had a little accident with the camera... but I will post some other pictures instead. But not today. In Egypt, we tried to climb to the top of a HUGE pyramid, but it was way too high and not very easy to climb! I'm a little tired now because I've been up for over 25 hours. I'll write more later.

But I might be able to post some pictures from Egypt, if my cousins have some that I could use!

June 5, 2003
I'm going on a vacation, so I can't update the site until July when we get back. We're leaving tomorrow morning!

May 27, 2003
My scenes of Strawberry arcade have been filmed now! It was fun filming it, and I met this very cool kid Linus. He's 9. We're good friends now.

I've made even more films with my friends. We did our own version of Star Wars. I was Obi-Wan. Also we made another ninja movie and a sequel to the Home alone movie. This time I was the one who was home alone.

Also I've been busuy becouse I just joined scouts! I'll tell you more about it later. I have to go to bed now!

May 5, 2003
We'll start filming Strawberry arcade today. It's going to be a lot of fun!

I've been making some movies with my friends. Dave got a video camera for his birthday! We've made a movie about a demon and a ninja. I played the ninja. And we also made a home alone style movie. That was fun! I played one of the bad guys. Also we made a film where I get the epilepsy and then I get posessed by a demon and then I die in the end. It was a black comedy.

April 30, 2003
I almost got a movie role, but then someone else got it :(

BUT I got my yellow belt at taekwondo!!!

April 18, 2003
I've been to a couple of auditions. I think they went well.

I went to Dave's birthday last saturday. We had a great time! I bought him some Yu-gi-oh cards. I collect them and they're fun so I thought he might like them too. Also becouse many people suggested it!

I'll be testing for my yellow belt next week. I've been practising very hard. My teacher said I'll most likely get the new belt!

April 10, 2003
I'm going to test for my yellow belt at taekwondo in a couple of weeks! I'm kind of nervous.

Also I'm going to my friend Dave's birthday party on saturday. He's turning 9. But I have don't know what I should buy him.. if you have any ideas, plase tell me!

April 8, 2003
The filming of Strawberry Arcade will start next month. I'm really looking forward to it!

I've been auditioning a lot as always AND I've been working very hard for school.

March 19, 2003
I got a new role!! It's not a big role, but it's still cool! The movie is called Strawberry arcade.

March 15, 2003
I might be getting a movie role! But it's not sure yet.

March 13, 2003
I've been working hard at school this week. I'm trying to get better grades!

March 8, 2003
I've auditioned for two movies and three guest appearances since the last update. I'm hoping to get at least one of them.

February 28, 2003
Nothing much is new with me... I got detention at school for fighting last tuesday :(

February 18, 2003
I have auditioned to a new guest appearance on monday. Keep your fingers crossed!

I started on tae kwon do last month and I love it! I've learned lots! Apcha olligi is a kick and it's fun becouse it's so high! We had to also learn the tenets of tae kwon do but I can't remember them now. Tae kwon do means the way of hand and foot.

December 14, 2002
My birthday is tomorrow. I will be 8!!

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