Watching the cops pulling over a car
and thinking I'm glad it's not me
as I drive by a little more slowly than normal
just to be on the safe side

And it occurs to me that
I've always lived that way
living on the safe side
Always wanting to be more
but never daring
A rebel, a different drummer
hidden under a cardboard conformist cutout
I always wanted to have it all but never knew what it meant
I always wanted to taste but never really dared
So afraid of falling,
I never took the plunge
So afraid of what people would think
I never gave them the opportunity to make fun of me
any more than they already did
I always wanted to be somebody
but I ended up stuck being me,
whoever she was

And now I want to fly
but it seems so late,
so many things have changed
so many responsibilities,
so many judgements
and I'm just not all that young anymore

But I want a tattoo
I want to set out west alone
i want to make crazy love
without thinking about how crazy it is
I want to get skinnier
and wear short tops and hip hugger jeans
I want to speak my piece and walk away
not caring what anyone might think
I want to speak from my heart
and own my own experiences
without feeling ashamed of being small and weak

i want to start over
but there's nothing to start with,
only what I'm already doing
and it's just not cutting it anymore

I want to be strong
but I've always been weak
and I've let myself be beaten into the cracks
and go unnoticed
lived a quiet nothing life
with the feelings of unsettlement
as I stared out kitchen windows
at a wheat field slowly blowing
and wishing I knew what would make me whole

I'm not a person who can
be somebody
and keep the game going
because I run out of myself
too quickly
and look desperately
for those cracks to retreat into
before someone sees
how little there is
in who I really am
before someone sees
where my weaknesses lie
before someone sees
that the casual matter-of-factness
is just a cover
to avoid exposing
the unexplored,
unwordly me.
