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Thursday, August 7, 1997

Far Side Cartoon:
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Far Side Cartoon: Great moments in evolution (Fish stare at a baseball hit onto land)

Creationism/Evolution Round One: The Tom Teepen Affair

The Origional Article/Letter:

"Views on creation 'science' haven't evolved very far"
Columnist Tom Teepen
The Cincinnati Enquirer April 16, 1998

"Panel urges schools to teach evolution"
By Robert Greene, The Associated Press
The Cincinnati Enquirer April 10, 1998

Responses From Readers

"Creationism began without aid of science"
Mary Jo Bartlett, Mount Healthy
The Cincinnati Enquirer April 23, 1998

"Evolution lacks one clear theory"
Rob Lewis, Colerain Township
The Cincinnati Enquirer April 23, 1998

"There is no scientific proof of Darwinism"
Maurie Loomans, White Oak
The Cincinnati Enquirer April 23, 1998

"Evolution theory not possible without facts"
Kurt Streutker, Florence
The Cincinnati Enquirer April 28, 1998

"Evolutionists' evidence eventually is rejected"
Ken Ham, Exective Director, Answers in Genesis
The Cincinnati Enquirer April 25, 1998

"Darwinism nothing more than a theory"
Samuel J. Fenn, Price Hill
The Cincinnati Enquirer May 13, 1998

"Darwinism should not be taught in our schools"
Gaston D. Cogdell
Minister, Garrard St. Church of Christ,Covington
The Cincinnati Enquirer May 21, 1998

My Submissions/Publications:

"Creationism contributes to declining science skills"
Todd Brennan, Clifton
Submitted to The Cincinnati Enquirer, but not published
May 1, 1998

"Not 'just' a theory"
Todd Brennan, Clifton
Submitted to The Cincinnati Enquirer, but not published
May 15, 1998

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