Creer Chiropractic
Uploaded 18 April,1999

The Chiropractic Oath

I do hereby affirm that I will, to the best of my ability, keep this oath and stipulation:

I commit myself to hold in esteem and respect those who have helped me
to acquire the skills of a chiropractor, to follow the methods of care which,
according to my ability and judgement, I consider most beneficial for my patients;
to treat my patients with dignity and respect and to serve humanity without discrimination.

I will at all times treat the needs of patients under my care as of supreme importance;
I will not spare myself in rendering them the help that I have been taught to give,
and I will treat with strict confidence all things that are revealed to me
in the course of a practitioner/patient relationship.

May adherence to these commitments grant me a fulfilling life,
freedom to enjoy without hindrance the practice of my healing art,
and the respect of other health practitioners and the community.

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