English-Hungarian injection molding glossary

Angol-magyar műanyagipari kisszótár

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air burn beégés?  


antioxidant antioxidáns Additive used to help protect plastics from degradation through sources such as heat, age, chemicals, stress, etc.


antistatic agent feltöltődést gátló szer, antisztatikum Additive used to help eliminate or lessen static electricity from the surface of the plastic part.


aspect ratio összes folyáshossz /
átlagos falvastagság
Ratio of total flow length to average wall thickness.


back pressure ellennyomás The pressure applied to the plastic during screw recovery. By increasing back pressure, mixing and plasticating are improved; however, screw recovery rates are reduced.


backing plate támasztó lap A plate used as a support for the mold cavity block, guide pins, bushings, etc.


barrel csigaház, fröccshenger  


blistering felhólyagosodás A raised or layered patch of material on the surface of the component.


boss dudor Protuberance on a plastic part designed to add strength, facilitate alignment, provide fastening, etc.


broken mold marks eltört szerszám nyomai Filled in areas not per drawing specification due to mold damage.


bubbles hólyagok Air pockets that have formed in the material of the component. Bubbles may vary in size.


cavity üreg The space inside a mold into which material is injected.


charge töltelék The measurement or weight of material necessary to fill a mold during one cycle.


clamp záróegység The part of an injection molding machine incorporating the platens that provides the force necessary to hold the mold closed during injection of the molten resin and open the mold to eject the molded part.


clamping plate szerszámfelfogó lap A plate fitted to a mold and used to fasten the mold to a platen.


clamping pressure záróerő The pressure applied to the mold to keep it closed during a cycle, usually expressed in tons.


clarifiers derítőanyagok Additive used in polypropylene random copolymers to improve clarity.


closed-loop control zártkörű vezérlés System for monitoring complete, injection molding- process conditions of temperature, pressure and time, and automatically making any changes required to keep part production within preset tolerances.


cold flow/orange peel/lumps hidegfolyás/narancshéjfelület/
Any material that has not cooled uniformly causing the appearance of either a speck of material lighter than what was used or a rippling effect on the surface of the component.


cooling channels hűtőcsatornák Channels located within the body of a mold through which a cooling medium is circulated to control the mold surface temperature.


crack/splits/chips repedés/hasadás/forgács A physical separation or tearing of the part.


cushion anyagpárna Extra material left in barrel during cycle to try and ensure that the part is packed out during the hold time.


cycle ciklus The complete sequence of operations in a process to complete one set of moldings. The cycle is taken at a point in the operation and ends when this point is again reached and moving platens of the clamp unit in the fully open position.


cycle time ciklusidő The time required by an injection molding system to mold a part.


delamination rétegződés When the surface of a finished part separates or appears to be composed of layers. Strata or fish-scale-type appearance where the layers may be separated.


diaphragm gate membrán gát Used in symmetrical cavity filling to reduce weld-line formations and improve filling rates.


dimensional problems mérethibák Parts not made to drawing dimensional specifications due to internal part stress warping, mold damage, incorrect mold manufacturing, etc.


direct gate közvetlen gát The sprue that feeds directly into the mold cavity.


discoloration elszíneződés Any change from the designated color of the material or component. Incorrect color of the component.


dispersion aids diszpergáló eszközök Perforated plates placed in the plasticator nozzle to aid in mixing or dispersing colorant as it flows through the perforations.


draft kilökési ferdeség The degree of taper of a mold-cavity sidewall or the angle of clearance designed to facilitate removal of parts from a mold.


drag marks nyomáshelyek A form of deep scratch or scratches on the surface of the component that have no visible signs of loose chips or material.


drooling szivárgás The extrudation or leakage of molten resin from a plasticator nozzle or nozzle sprue bushing area while filling or shooting the mold.


dwell szerszámvédelem A pause in the applied pressure to a mold during the injection cycle just before the mold is completely closed. This dwell allows any gases formed or present to escape from the molding material.


ejection pin marks kidobócsap nyomok See Raised Ejector Site.


ejector pins kidobócsapok Pins that are pushed into a mold cavity from the rear as the mold opens to force the finished part out of the mold. Also called knockout pins.


ejector return pins kidobó visszahúzó Projections that push the ejector assembly back as the mold closes. Also called surface pins or return pins.


ejector rod kidobócsap-összekötő A bar that actuates the ejector assembly when the mold opens.


embedded particulate zárványok Any completely embedded foreign particulate such as grease, metal, paint chips, burnt material, etc. that cannot be smeared or removed from the component.


family mold többfészkes szerszám A multi-cavity mold where each of the cavities forms one of the component parts of an assembled finished part.


fan gate oldalbeömlés A gate used to help reduce stress concentrations in the gate area by spreading the opening over a wider area. Less warping of parts can usually be expected by the use of this type of gate.


feed cylinder ömlesztőhenger The packing of the cavity or cavities of the mold as required to give a complete part or parts that are free of flash.


fill kitöltés The web of material remaining in holes or openings in a molded part which must be removed for final assembly.


fin nyílás sorja Any excess material that is formed with and attached to the component along a seam or mold parting line.


flash sorja


flow folyás A qualitative description of the fluidity of a plastic material during the process of molding. A measure of its moldability generally expressed as melt flow rate or melt index.


flow line folyási nyom Marks visible on the finished items that indicate the direction of the flow of the melt into the mold.


flow marks folyási nyomok Wavy surface appearances on a molded part caused by improper flow of the melt into the mold.


gate gát An orifice through which the melt enters the mold cavity.


gate trim gát perem Remnant of plastic left over from cutting the component from the runner or sprue, usually to be cut flush with the edge of the component.


hob ütősajtoló bélyeg A master model in hardened steel. The hob is used to sink the shape of a mold into a soft metal block.


homopolymer homopolimer Plastic that results by the polymerization of a single monomer.


hopper adagoló


hopper dryers adagoló szárító Auxiliary equipment that removes moisture from resin pellets.


hopper loader adagoló töltő Auxiliary equipment for automatically loading resin pellets into machine hopper.


hot-runner mold melegcsatornás szerszám A mold in which the runners are insulated from the chilled cavities and are kept hot. Hot-runner molds make parts that have no scrap.


injection molding fröccsöntés


injection pressure fröccsnyomás The pressure on the face of the injection screw or ram when injecting material into the mold, usually expressed in PSI.


insert molding betétes fröccsöntés Insert molding is the process of molding plastic around preformed metal inserts. This process is compatible with both thermoplastic and thermoset materials.


insulated runner szigetelt beömlőcsatorna See hot-runner mold.


izod impact test Izod-ütővizsgálat Test to determine impact strength of a sample by holding a sample bar at one end and broken by striking. Sample specimen can be either notched or unnotched.


jetting sugáráramlás A turbulent flow in the melt caused by an undersized gate or where a thin section rapidly becomes thicker.


jig tokmány A tool for holding parts of an assembly during the manufacturing process.


knit lines folyásvonalak Where melted material flows together to form a line or lines that may cause weakening or breaking of the component.


knockout pins kidobócsapok A rod or device for knocking a finished part out of a mold.


l/d ratio H/D arány
(csiga hossz/átmérő)
A term used to help define an injection screw. This is the screw length-to-diameter ratio.


melt flow rate ömledék áramlási sebessége A measure of the molten viscosity of a polymer determined by the weight of polymer extruded through an orifice under specified conditions of pressure and temperature. Particular conditions are dependent upon the type of polymer being tested. MFR usually is reported in grams per 10 minutes. Melt flow rate defines the flow of a polypropylene resin. An extrusion weight of 2160 grams at 446°F (230°C) is used.


melt index ömledék index Term that defines the melt flow rate of a polyethylene resin. An extrusion weight of 2160 grams at 310°F (190°C) is used.


mold szerszám, présforma A series of machined steel plates containing cavities into which plastic resin is injected to form a part.


mold changer szerszámcserélő automatika An automated device for removing one mold from a machine and replacing it with another mold.


mold frame szerszámköpeny A series of steel plates which contain mold components, including cavities, cores, runner system, cooling system, ejection system, etc.


mold release problems szerszám túlkenése Excess use of mold release may leave parts oily and weaken the material.


mold-temperature-control unit szerszám-hőmérsékletet szabályozó egység Auxiliary equipment used to control mold temperature. Some units can both heat and cool the mold. Others, called chillers, only cool the mold.


moving platen mozgó lap The platen of an injection molding machine that is moved by a hydraulic ram or mechanical toggle.


multi-cavity mold többfészkes szerszám? A mold having two or more impressions for forming finished items in one machine cycle.


multi-material molding több anyag befröccsöntése egy ciklusban The injection of two-or-three materials, in sequence, into a single mold during a single molding cycle. The injection molding machine is equipped with two-or-three plasticators. (See also co-injection)


nest plate üreges lap A retainer plate in the mold with a depressed area for cavity blocks.


non-fill elégtelen kitöltés See short shot.


non-return valve elzárószelep Screw tip that allows for material to flow in one direction and closes to prevent back flow and inject material into the mold.


nozzle fúvóka The hollow-cored, metal nose screwed into the injection end of a plasticator. The nozzle matches the depression in the mold. This nozzle allows transfer of the melt from the plasticator to the runner system and cavities.


nucleating agent magképző szer Additive used with polypropylene to increase crystallization rate by providing additional sites for crystal growth.


orange peel narancshéjfelület A surface finish on a molded part that is rough and splotchy. Usually caused by moisture in the mold cavity.


over molding ráfröccsöntés? A process in which a mold cavity is first partially filled with one plastic and then a second shot is injected to encapsulate the first shot.


packing kitöltés The filling of the mold cavity or cavities as full as possible without causing undue stress on the molds or causing flash to appear on the finished parts. Over- or under-packing results in less than optimum fill.


part picker robot An auxiliary unit usually mounted on fixed platen, which reaches into the open mold to grab parts and remove them prior to next molding cycle. Also called a robot, the device is used when you do not want to drop parts from mold upon ejection.


parting line szerszámosztás, varrat On a finished part, this line shows where the two mold halves met when they were closed.


peeling lepattogzás An open blister.


pet PET (polietilén-tereftalát) Polyethylene Terephthalate, a type of polyester and a leading recyclable plastic material.


pin marks kidobócsap nyomok See Raised Ejector Site.


pinpoint gate szűk gát A restricted gate of 0.030 in or less in diameter, this gate is common on hot-runner molds.


piston dugattyú See ram.


plasticate plasztikálás To soften by heating and mixing.


plasticator plasztikáló egység The complete melting and injection unit on an injection molding machine.


plastifying barrel plasztikáló henger The mounting plates of a press on which the mold halves are attached.


platens rögzítő lapok The blooming of additives onto machinery during processing of plastics.


plate-out kivirágzás (alakékanyagoké a gépen) See ram.


plunger szerszámbélyeg A plastic test tube shaped part produced by injection molding systems in the first step of a two-stage injection molding and blow molding process used to produce PET bottles or containers. The perform is subsequently re-heated and stretch blown through a blow molding process into the final container shape.


preform előformázás Reinforcements of hardened steel distributed around the dead areas in the faces of a mold to help the land absorb the final pressure of closing without collapsing.


pressure pads törőbakok Area where the part was connected to the sprue or runner that has been drawn out or stretched from the surface.


pulled gate húzott gát The forcing one molding material out of the plasticator with another material prior to molding a new material. Special purging compounds are used.


purging öblítés


raised ejector site / ejection pin marks / pin mar megemelt kidobópálya Where the ejector site is either heightened or raised above the surface of the component.


ram csiga előre mozgatása The forward motion of the screw in the plasticator barrel that forces the melt into the mold cavity.


recovery time beállási idő The length of time for the screw to rotate and create a shot.


re-grind problems újraaprítási problémák See Silver/Splay. Use of re-ground material increases susceptibility for moisture problems as well as polymeric chain length degradation.


restricted gate szűk gát A very small orifice between runner and cavity in an injection mold. When the part is ejected, this gate readily breaks free of the runner system. Generally, the part drops through one chute and the runner system through another leading to a granulator a


retainer plate tartólemez The plate on which demountable pieces, such as mold cavities, ejector pins, guide pins and bushings are mounted during molding.


retractable cores visszahúzható magok Used when molding parts in cavities not perpendicular to the direction in which the part is ejected from the mold. The cores are automatically pulled from the mold prior to the mold opening and reinserted when the mold closes again and prior to injection


rib borda A reinforcing member of a molded part.


ring gate körbeömlés Used on some cylindrical shapes. This gate encircles the core to permit the melt to first move around the core before filling the cavity.


RMS roughness felületi simaság négyzetes középértéke A measure of the surface roughness/smoothness of a material. The root mean square (RMS) average of the "peaks and valleys" of a surface is determined using a Profilometer. The lower the number, the smoother the surface: a reading of one or two would be a


robot robot Automated devices for removing parts upon ejection from an open mold rather than letting the parts drop. Also see parts picker. Robots also can perform secondary functions, such as inspection, degating, precise placement of parts on a conveyor, etc.


Rockwell hardness Rockwell keménység A measure of the surface hardness of a material. A value derived from the increase in depth of an impression as the load of a steel indenter is increased from a fixed minimum value to a higher value and then returned to the minimum value. The values are quoted with a letter prefix corresponding to a scale relating to a given combination of load and indenter.


runner beömlőcsatorna The channel that connects the sprue with the gate for transferring the melt to the cavities.


runnerless molding beömlőcsatorna nélküli fröccsöntés See hot-runner mold.


scratch karcolás Mark made via abrasion, not as specified in visual or cosmetic specification criteria.


screw csiga


screw travel csiga mozgása The distance the screw travels forward when filling the mold cavity.


short shot elégtelen adag Failure to completely fill the mold or cavities of the mold. Edges may appear melted.


shot ,,lövés" The complete amount of melt injected during a molding cycle, including that which fills the runner system.


shot capacity befröccsentési kapacitás Generally based on polystyrene, this is the maximum weight of plastic that can be displaced or injected by a single injection stroke. Generally expressed as ounces of polystyrene.


shrinkage zsugorodás The dimensional differences between a molded part and the actual mold dimensions.


side bars oldalsó rudak Loose pieces used to carry one or more molding pins and operated from outside the mold.


side-draw pins oldalirányú csapok Projections used to core a hole in a direction other than the line of closing of a mold and which must be withdrawn before the part is ejected from the mold. See also Retractable Cores.


silver tükröződés See Splay.


silver streaks ezüstös csíkok A depression or valley on a component surface that would not normally have a depression.


single-cavity mold egyfészkes szerszám See splay marks.


sink mark bemélyedés A mold having only one cavity and producing only one finished part per cycle.


sink/shrink bemélyedés A shallow depression or dimple on the surface of a finished part created by shrinkage or low fill of the cavity.


slip agent csúszósságot előidéző szer Additive used to provide lubrication during and immediately following processing of plastics.


slip plane csúszási sík Marks evident in or on finished parts due to poor welding or shrinking upon cooling.


spiral flow spirális áramlás Test performed by injection molding a sample into a spiral mold and used to compare the processability of different resins.


splash marks fröccsnyomok See splay marks.


splay fröccsnyom A shiny area on the surface that is usually small in size and may have the appearance of a lightly tinted or silver streaks.


splay marks fröccsnyomok Marks or droplet type imperfections on the surface of the finished parts that may be caused by the splaying of the melt through the gates and into the cool cavity where they set up.


split-ring mold hasított gyűrűs szerszám A mold in which a split cavity block is assembled in a channel to permit the forming of undercuts in a molded piece. These parts are ejected from the mold and then separated from the piece.


splits hasadékok See cracks.


sprue beömlőnyílás


sprue bushing beömlőcsatorna hüvely A hardened-steel insert in the mold that accepts the plasticator nozzle and provides an opening for transferring the melt.


sprue gate beömlőcsatorna gát A passageway through which melt flows from the nozzle to the mold cavity.


sprue lock beömlőcsatorna zár The portion of resin retained in the cold-slug well by an undercut. This lock is used to pull the sprue out of the bushing as the mold opens. The sprue lock itself is pushed out of the mold by an ejector pin.


stack molds sorba rendezett szerszámok The feed opening provided in injection molding between the nozzle and cavity or runner system.


stationary platen szerszámfelfogó lap Two or more molds of a similar type that are positioned one behind the other to allow for additional parts to be manufactured during a cycle.


stress cracking feszültségi repedés The large front plate of an injection molding press to which the front plate of the mold is secured. This platen does not move during normal operation.


striations barázdáltság There are three types of stress cracking: 1. Thermal stress cracking is caused by prolonged exposure of the part to elevated temperatures or sunlight. 2. Physical stress cracking occurs between crystalline and amorphous portions of the part when the part is under an internally or externally induced strain. 3. Chemical stress cracking occurs when a liquid or gas permeates the partís surface. All of these types of stress cracking have the same end result: the splitting or fracturing of the molding.


stringing feszítés Marks evident on the molded-part surfaces that indicate melt flow directions or impingement.


strings nyúlványok? Occurs between the finished part and the sprue when the mold opens and the melt in this area has not cooled sufficiently.


stripper plate letolólap Strings of material due to poor gate cut off. See pulled gate.


stroke löket A plate that strips a molded piece from core pins or force plugs. The stripper plate is set into operation by the opening of the mold.


structural foam molding szivacsmagos fröccsöntés Process for making parts that have solid outer skin and foamed core.


submarine gate alagút gát? A gate where the opening from the runner into the mold cavity is located below the parting line. Also called a tunnel gate.


suck-back visszaszívás When the pressure on the sprue is not held long enough for the melt to cool before the screw returns. Some of the melt in the cavities or runner system may expand back into the nozzle and cause sinks marks on the finished part.


tab gate fül gát A small removable tab about the same thickness as the molded item, but usually perpendicular to the part for easy removal.


thermoplastic hőre lágyuló anyag A polymer which melts or flows when heated. Thermoplastic polymers are usually not highly cross-linked, and act much like molecular solids: low melting and boiling points, high ductile strength.


thermoset hőre keményedő műanyag A polymer that doesn't melt when heated. Thermoset polymers "set" into a given shape when first made and afterwards do not flow or melt, but rather decompose upon heating. They are often highly cross-linked polymers, with properties similar to those of network covalent solids, i.e., hard and strong.


tie-bar spacing összekötőrudak távköze The space between the horizontal tie-bars on an injection molding machine. Basically, this measurement limits the size of molds that can be placed between the tie-bars and into the molding machine.


toggle pecek A type of clamping mechanism that exerts pressure by applying force on a knee joint. A toggle is used to close and exert pressure on a mold in a press.


tonnage tonnatartalom? The measure by which injection molding machines are typically categorized, representing the clamping force of the injection molding machine.


tunnel gate alagút gát? See submarine gate.


undercut bevágás A protuberance or indentation that impedes withdrawal from a two-piece rigid mold.


valve gating szelep gát A type of gate where a pin is held in the gate or channel by spring tension. As the injection stroke moves forward, this gate compresses the plastic in the runner. When this pressure build-up is sufficient to overcome the spring tension, the pin is then pushed back (pulled) and the fast decompression of the melt fills the cavity at extremely high speed.


vent ürítőszelep A shallow channel or opening cut in the cavity to allow air or gases to escape as the melt fills the cavity.


vented barrel szelepes henger Special plasticator unit with a vent port over the compression section of the screw to permit escape of gases prior to injecting melt into mold. Often used when molding moisture-sensitive resins.


vertical flash ring függőleges sorjagyűrű The clearance between the force plug and the vertical wall of the cavity in a positive or semi-positive mold. Also the ring of excess melt which escapes from the cavity into this clearance space.


voids hézagok Air pockets in the part which have opened or were not filed with material, leaving an opening or hole.


warpage megvetemedés Dimensional distortion in a molded object. Caused by internal stresses via un-even material flow, cooling, and compression.


weld line folyási vonal Where melted material flows together during molding to form a visible line or lines on a finished part that may cause weakening or breaking of the component.


wisps szálak? Similar to stringing but smaller in size. These also may occur as slight flashing when the mold is over packed or forced open slightly. Mold-parting-line wear or misalignment can also cause wisps.

(c) Tófalvi Péter, 2004.