Love these cartoons...

rappin tunez....
I love mariachi!!!!!

This video is a little loud, but love her musix!!!

hes not that good looking, but his music was heard everywhere when i grew up...
he's funny as hell...

Sutekidane... love this song when i first heard it in the game...
I miss home...

ff7 Advent Children... want to see this some day

so romantic but so dumb...

seven. shes cool.

i love this song! Never got to see the movie....

bring on the 70s nostalgia!!!/div>

Salley yeh is one of my favorite 80s singers in hk... she is taiwanese... but she learned cantonese and there is some afro-american inspiration in her voice training... love her!!!!

funny and cute guy. the tune is cool .

funny and cute guy. the tune is cool .
i love ffx!