The home on the web for everything Toggerish


What does Togger do with his free time? In fact he has many hobbies and interests, one of which is the ancient practice of... cooking.

Here Togger shares with you the reader, a glimpse into his kitchen cabinets and the many ideas lurking within.

Italian Cooking
Beef Lasange with three Cheeses
Rigatoni with Tomato Sauce and cheese


Oriental Cooking
Curried Chicken, with Rice
Teriyaki Chicken with Rice or Pasta


American Cooking
Beef Stroganoff with egg noodles
The Ultimate Hamburger
Three Cheese Macaroni and Cheese


Carmel Apple Pie
The Chocolate Overload Cookie
Moose Tracks!




Food Network Iron Chef
Mr Food


Togger's Pretty Pointless Facts!

Emperor Constantine banned sausage in the Roman empire after the early Roman Catholic Church declared eating it a sin!


Togger's Pretty Pointless Facts!

Before we all had the fridge to keep food fresh, the well was commonly used to keep perishable foods from rotting. Bet people had a heck of a time from keeping yesterdays cheese sandwich from getting soggy!