Never Ending Quest
The Cast of Characters


A large number of magic users have appeared in NEQ storylines, both good and evil. Some are all-powerful while others are much more limited in what they can do. For some magic is simply a matter of wanting something and making it happen. For others special ingredients and specific spells are required in order to manipulate their magical power. Some mages are masters of only one kind of magic while others don't have any particular kind of specialty. Some mages are loners and still others band together in covens or brotherhoods or alliances. Whatever kind the mage is, he or she will be found here.

Belboz - Ep.# 16 (2/13/99) by Josh Bieber, first appearance.
Fred first meets Belboz in the Right Cave. Belboz is a necromancer willing to sell his magical services. Other versions of Belboz have him living on a desolate hilltop, Mt.Cicatrice, or serving the King in Allaria's capitol.
He has been refered to as Belboz the Necromancer, Belboz the Fell and Belboz the Foul.

The Wizard of Kamiro - Ep.# 42 (2/13/99) by Lobo, first mentioned in one of the options.
A powerful and mysterious wizard, some say that he is an enemy of the Dragon and others say that he is an enemy of Zerm. Who knows? No one's even sure what his first name is although one rumor is that it is Nomimo.

Bert the Enchanter - Ep.# 89 (2/14/99) by Paulito, first appearance.
Bert is King Emry's court mage and a great illusionist.

Zerm the Unspeakable - Ep.# 232 (2/14/99) by L.E., first mention.
A poweful wizard who abducted Astra's great-aunt Helena.

Horkus the Wicked - Ep.# 232 (2/14/99) by L.E., first mention.
A disciple of the wizard Zerm, Horkus was slain by Astra's great-aunt Helena.

Carradene - Ep.# 1044 (3/10/99) by WolfRun, first appearance.
He is a wolf manimal and Leader of the Pack. He is also a mage. Carradene will do anything, including letting people die, if it serves the greater good of the Manimals.

Dr.Vincent Priceless
- Ep.# 954 (3/11/99) by WolfRun, first appearance.
- Ep. # 1130 (3/15/99) by Wolfrun, his name was revealed as Vincent

Dr.Vincent is a reclusive magician who lives in a tower hidden in the Calamari Desert. He enjoys mixing his mastery of magic with his knowledge of science.

Abigail - Ep.# 3894 (8/21/99) by WolfRun, first mention.
Mother Abigail is the leader of a coven of witches that lives within the Southern Caves.

Azetral - Ep.# 2565 (10/19/99) by S-CB, first appearance.
She is a Queen of Dark Magics. The Dragon turned her into a scaly lizard woman.

Jexebelle - Ep.# 9283 (9/14/00) by Y, first appearance.
She is an ugly, old witch with a bum leg who lives in the Southern Caves.

Uxton - Ep.# 13807 (10/29/00) by Bill L., first appearance.
Uxton is a tall, balding man with only a fair grasp of the magical arts, but he has a keenly developed common sense. He is the court mage under King Embron.

Zerrod - Ep.# 13758 (10/26/00) by Bill L., first mention.
Zerrod was a mage of tremendous power and he was also a diviner of prophecies. He was the personal mage of High King Rolis the Protector.

Zosh the Evil - Ep.# 13991 (11/6/00) by Bill L., first mention
Zosh was a necromancer who delved into forbidden magic. Among other things, Zosh created the Sundeath spell. Zosh was eventually defeated by Zerrod, but his final fate is still unknown. After his defeat all of Zosh' spells were sealed up and hidden away by Zerrod.