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My little sister, Mira
Cendrillon (Jacinda)
My aunts and uncles
TORRINNOTES Editor: My Momma

May 2006: 
Music to a mother's ears:  "Oooooh, sa-paragus!  I love sa-paragus!"
Apr 2006: 
Mommy:  "Do your boogers taste good?"  Torrin:  "Yes."  Mom:  "Well, you're not supposed to eat them anyway."  Torrin:  "Then why are they in there?"
Feb 2006: 
Torrin is learning how to read dollars, cents, and percents.  Now when we are in a store he points out when a sign says 20% off, and so forth.
Dec 2005:
TEA:  "I've got on my Y-shoes!  I've got on my Y-shoes!"  Mom:  "Why are they Y-shoes?"  TEA:  "'Cuz of the price.  They only cost one dollar."  Mom:  "What is a Y-Shoe?"  TEA:  "Oh, it's a monitor, for grass, and snow and stuff."
Torrin is understanding numerical relationships better.  On the way to York, I told him it would be about twenty minutes until we got there.  Every time he saw the clock progress another minute, he would tell me how much time we had left.

12 Nov 2005: 
"We can freak out!"
August 2005:
I think my mom should have 10 kids, because then I would always have someone to play with.  She thinks that's pretty funny.  I don't know why.  I compromised, and now I say she should have four kids.  That way, if one doesn't want to play with me, someone else will, and the other kids will be able to play with each other.
February 2005:
In the car with my mom, we've just passed a stop sign without coming to a complete stop, so I say, "Moooom, what was that?"  She replies, "...a stop sign," to which I reply, "well did you stop?"
January 2005
:  I found out the hard way why it is a good idea to wear gloves or mittens when one is outside playing in the snow.  I fell down, hands outstretched.  "Momma!  My hand is all freaked out!"
November 2004
: I want to learn how to dance in a Pow-wow!  I saw a young boy decked out in his regalia and I thought it was spectacular!  ("Look at his pretty dress, Momma!")
2004: Torrin's favorite CD to listen to in the car is Rob Zombie.  Mom is a little bit disturbed, and somewhat amused.
May 2004
: Torrin found a Thriller record on the floor and asked, "Momma, who's that?"  "That's Michael Jackson," said Momma.  "Noooo, that's not!"  Torrin replied.  Later, he said of the record, "It's like a big CD!"
Favorite movie this month is "Uncle Buck."

April 2004
: Torrin's favorite songs are "Whoomp...There it is!" (Tag Team) and "Chain of Fools" (Aretha Franklin).
March 2004
: Torrin is calling Harry Potter "Harry N. Potter" because the scar on his forehead looks like the letter "N."
February 2004
: 02 Feb:  Torrin carefully arranged his toy cars on Mom's bed, underside facing up.  They were sleeping.
2003: Driving by the State Capitol, Torrin proclaimed that it is a "Monster School." Mommy's panty hose are "sockie pants."
14 September 2003
: After having his underwear put on, Torrin announced matter-of-factly that his peepee was stuck.

I lost my two bottom middle teeth in April.  I now have a super-duper cute gap-toothed grin, and I don't even look like a hillbilly.

I know that the tooth fairy's not real.  It's just moms and dads pretending.  But it's still fun to put your tooth under the pillow.

This summer I am going to go to a Language Immersion day camp for Spanish.  I hope to learn how to day some things in Spanish.
My sister's a pretty standard model.  She can be annoying, but I love her and she loves me.
January 2007
12 March 2006
Torrin's painting (acrylic) for Stories of Home...A Different Perspective
Look, Ma, no training wheels!
June 2006
Five Years Old
12 March 2006
Torrin's Story of Home March 2007
Torrin ball pit Jan 2007
I'll get you!
01 Jan 2007
Torrin and Mira Jan 2007
Torrin Oct 2007
October 2006
Anderson.  Torrin Anderson.  Pleased to meet you.