Another Day

A TokixMikkie 1 Shot

Toki’s P.O.V

Written by Toki-sama


Ain't shit no worse then a birthday. Most of the time, I forget it's my birthday. I'm workin through it or it doesn't even enter my mind it's the month of my birthday. It goes right over my head. It's almost expected though, with all the shit that usually goes on in my life, what the fuck does a birthday hold in value? The few times in the past couple of years that I have remembered it was my birthday, I was usually busy anyway. 'Sides...I celebrate like it's my birthday everyday. So what if I actually celebrate on the proper day? To me, they held little to no value. I made it my life's work to celebrate Li's and Ghosto's birthday though. I love 'em both and I wanna cherish the day that they were brought into the world for me. Li was easier to figure out since I grew up with him. He was the kind of person that his mother made a big deal out his birthday. She would give him presents, make him his favorite meal, take him where ever he may have wanted to go. She loved that day, so I would too. Even when we were workin, if we had the time, I made sure Li remembered his birthday and if I could, I'd get him something. Is hard gettin Li something. What do you get the man that owns the world? But I tried, every so often. Li was often determined not to celebrate his birthday because I made a big deal out of it and made all the other heads have dinner with him because they all respected him anyway. He felt embarrassed by the whole thing. But it showed what adoration we all got for him, but most of all, how much I love him.

Ghosto however, was an entirely different case. I had to play twenty questions, be sneaky and basically pry it out of him when he was born. He wouldn't tell me, mostly because he doesn't want to be reminded of how old he's not getting. Ghosto still looks like a high school kid so he rather not embarrass himself by saying he's close to thirty but has the face of twelve year old boy. Also, he imagined that no one would care it's his birthday, so why should he. I had a party thrown for him once, surprised the hell out of him and made him see that we baby him but he's still respected. Hell, no one else in the syndicate respects him more then Li, so that says a lot. Gettin my Ghosto something was a lot easier because I know what he has and doesn't have because unlike most of us, he doesn't spoil him. I'm wandering off track here. Anyway, so though I love to celebrate Li and Ghosto's birthday, on occasion some other head's birthday, my own was pretty much passed over because I didn't want anyone to know. Ghosto asked me a hundred times. I never even told Li because unlike his childhood, my birthday was seen as insignificant to my parents. I didn't give a damn either. It was no big deal, just another day. Li asked as well, tryin everything he could, he even tried to guess once but I wouldn't tell him if he was right or wrong. I don't like celebrating my birthday, at all.

So I partied like normal. It was a couple of months before Aya's birthday and Aoki brought it up with us in passing, sayin he had to get something for him but didn't know where to start. Akio suggested he jus not fuck him for a day but Aoki said that was a cruel gift. We laughed as Akio meant to say to do it in a romantic term, Aoki shrugged and said he'd think about it. Aoki doesn't like to show how much he cares about Pretty Aya. I'm pretty good at pinning emotion down on people and I know what they can't even admit to themselves. Aoki is one of these people who can't admit how much he loves Aya. It's really obvious if you look carefully and not jus the over protectiveness, but how he respects Aya, how he's careful not to bruise him when he grabs his wrist or hand, how his fingers work over Aya's slender ones, the really subtle way Aoki leans his head on Aya's to smell his hair. It's obvious, though tell Ol' One Eye that an he'll deny it to his death. As we walked through the Kabuki-Cho, Akio nudged me and asked when Mikkie's birthday was. I said December twenty-ninth, very casually as if he was asking my own date. Aoki then asked about Li's, me giving that easy answer of October fourteenth. Then Akio asked about mine. I looked at him and said,

"Why do you care when my birthday is?"


"When's your damn birthday?"

"January nineteenth."

He had that smug, Playboy look on his face. I guess I expected him to not say anything about it only for him to easily say when. Aoki saw that and laughed slightly, lighting a cigarette as I said,

"What? When yours?"

Aoki inhaled as he put his lighter back in his coat pocket as he said,

"September tenth."

I waved them both off, not wanting to say when mine was. Of course they both annoyed me about it, wanting to know. Akio flirted as usual, calling me Toki-chu and saying he'd bite me gently in a special place if I told him. I laughed and told him I wasn't too turned on by havin anything gently bit. We laughed again as Aoki said,

"Why don't you want no one knowin?"

I shrugged, sayin,

"It's no big deal. Hell, I can't even remember half the time when my birthday is."

I left it at that and we kept walkin, eventually gettin to Sakura's Touch. Time for a nice soak and rub. I smell like girly shit afterwards, but believe me, it was worth it.

I went home that night an came home to an empty apartment. I wasn't expectin Li to be home since he's had all kinds of shit bein stirred so he was busy. I saw my cats, the two little things I picked up on the streets. Baby Mikkie came over to me first, once a small little kitten it was now a fat, spoiled cat. He hated Li and often jus stood by me, sitting on my lap. The only other person Baby Mikkie liked was his name sake. I picked up my big, fat, heavy cat and cradled him, spoiling him further until Baby Emy came around. Baby Emy, the cute little red head rubbed herself against my leg as I knelt back down and pet her. She was still a kitten so I liked to give her affection too. She liked Li though Li hated both of them. I then put Baby Mikkie down and went to feed them before Li bitched at me for forgettin and then went to change. I showered afterwards, leaving the towel on my head as I pulled up a pair of sweats and then went to shave. I left the towel on my head the whole time and then went to get a wife beater. After that was done, I got a drink, knockin back a glass of some of that good ass sake Li's been buyin lately. It was expensive as fuck and thas probably why I like it and drink it like water. I lit a cigarette on my way out of the kitchen, stepping over my cats and went to the living room as I pulled the towel off my head, rubbing it still as I turned on the TV and had a drink. This shit was borin as all hell. I finished my sake and then left the glass in my hand as I used it as an ashtray, knowin Li would bitch if I dropped more ash around the living room. I got up eventually and went to the bedroom to pick up my jeans where I left my cell phone. I took it out and called Ghosto, askin if he was busy. My Ghosto was so cute, always sayin "hai" in his serious manner when he answered and then asking what I wanted in his cold tone, knowing damn well what I wanted.

"You busy?"

"No, actually I just got home."


"Dinner with Jun."

"Ah, cool. So, let me stop by."

"Where are your friends?"

"Busy. What you don't wanna see me?"

"...Of course I do."

He was hesitant about admitting he wanted to see me, so I tried to get him to say it when I could. I smiled as I said,

"So, can I stop by or what?"

"Sure. I'll wait for you."

I couldn't help but smile again as I said,

"Aite, I'll be there soon."

I hung up, changed again and went on my way.

Ghosto lives in the Ueno district. It has to be one of the most boring, quiet part of Tokyo. Might as well live in the boonies. But hey, I made my trip regularly there just to see my Ghosto. I paid my cab fare, got out an went to Ghosto's apartment. Once he answered, I picked him up off the floor, me being a good couple inches taller then him as he said,

"Toki, put me down."

Though his arms were around me as well once I had him off the floor. I set him back down as I kissed his lips, sighing softly when he kissed back. He let me in, closing the door behind me as I still held him. I had gotten good at never really lettin him go once I had him in my arms since he was so much smaller then me and so light. He closed the door and locked it as he said,

"Why are you home by yourself anyway?"

"How'd you know I was by myself?"

"If Jia was home you wouldn't have called."

I kissed his forehead as I said,

"Not entirely true."

He looked up at me, those usually cold eyes were warm and I smiled, loving how he looked at me. I pressed my hand to his back, feeling only a thin shirt. My fingers felt skin, his lower back skin, the brim of his khakis not too far away. His hair was still tied up which I hated. My other hand came up to his hair, pulling at the elastic band, loosening his hair as he reached up to help, his fingers running through his hair to make it fall perfectly straight as he then said,

"What's going on?"

I shrugged and then leaned down slightly and picked him up so he had to open his legs for me, wrapping them around my waist as I took him to his bedroom.

We laid down as he looked up at me, the moonlight from outside kissing his already blessedly smooth skin, his dark brown eyes peering up at me with the same hesitation he's had since our first time. I ran my hand over his face as he leaned into it. I kissed his cheek as he said,

"You okay?"

I nodded as I got off him, rolling him so he was on top of me. He sat there, looking down at me as I reached up, undoing a few buttons of the button down white shirt he wore. The white of the shirt made him almost wash out since he was already pale enough. He let me, shivering slightly. Oddly enough, I didn't feel like having sex with my Ghosto tonight. I just wanted to look at him for a while, admiring the beauty I had almost lost to one of my stupid moments where I let my dick think for me. He smiled slightly, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards as he said,

"You seem off today."

"I'm not. I jus wanna see you."

"When you say you want to see me, that usually means you want to have sex with me."

"It usually does. But I jus want you like this right now."

He seemed a little surprised but all the same sat there and slouched a little, his hands coming down to my shirt as he said,

"What did you do today?"

"Went to Sakura's Touch."

"I thought you smelled a little feminine."

I nodded as my fingers began to coil in the ends of his hair.

"You gonna go blonde for me?"

"You think I want to loose all my hair?"

"How much would you loose?"

"A lot. They'd have to bleach it."

"I like you blonde though."

"You have your own blonde hair. Be happy with that."

I laughed a little as I said,

"I'm glad you let it grow out this long."

"I'm starting to regret it."

"How come?"

"It's heavy. And also a pain in the ass to manage."

The fingers from my free hand traveled down the button line of his shirt as I undid the few at the bottom so his flat stomach could be shown. I stuck my fingers over the rim of his belly button, circling it as he sucked his stomach in, his hand flattening against it as he said,




I had the greatest urge to press my tongue against it like I had once to Aya. I was one of the first people that found out about Pretty Aya having his belly button pierced. I begged him to please let me see and when I while I was sitting, he stood in front of me and lifted up his shirt, showing me the small hoop going through his belly button. Without thinkin, I grabbed his hips and pulled him forward, tonguing his stomach, my mouth feasting off the skin and metal, my tongue violating that small depression in his stomach as he gasped, his hands coming on my shoulders as he groaned and did nothin to stop me. It made me wish Ghosto had one, I'd do the same to him. Ghosto looked at me again as he said,

"What's on your mind?"

"I wanna violate your stomach."

He looked at me strangely as he said,

"Out of all things you want to violate..."

I laughed as I made him lean down and kissed him. When he moved back, his arms bent at the elbow, resting on the mattress, his hair covering us as he said,

"I was talking to Aya today about his birthday..."

"Today is jus all about fuckin birthdays."


"Nah, Aoki an Akio were sayin the same shit. They were botherin me cuz I wouldn't tell them when mine was."

"You don't tell anyone."

"Is not important."

"Why not?"

"It jus isn't. It wasn't when I was little, shouldn't be when I'm grown."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why did you have to know when mine was?"

"I wanted to celebrate."

"You celebrate all the time. You don't need an excuse."

"I wanted to celebrate you bein alive."

He smiled slightly, kissing me as his fingers ran over the bridge of my nose as he said,

"How do you know I don't want to celebrate you being alive?"

I shrugged as I reached up, curling my fingers in his hair again. He then said,

"Please tell me."

His voice was soft and I also realized it was probably the first thing he ever really asked of me. It was also menial and I sighed heavily and said,

"You really wanna know?"


I rolled my eyes as I said,

"It's today."

He sat up suddenly, all his hair pulling back as a curtain would when he reached over to his cell phone and pressed the buttons a couple of times and said,

"It's the twenty-first of May."

I nodded as he said,

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

I shrugged as he paused, setting his phone back down as he said,

"Would you like anything?"

"Not really. I got everything I really want already."

He held my hands for a moment before sliding down to my wrist and then pulled them forward so they would rest on his perfect slender hips. I knew those hips well, knowing how often I held them, holding myself back from grabbing too hard in case he would bruise. I loved the feeling of his hips, even through clothes. His shirt hung over them a little and I quickly snaked my fingers and hand under the feel of his shirt and touched his warm skin. I loved touching him, worshipping his body like this. It was almost as sexual as having sex. He was warm, soft, smooth, born of silk and cream. My Ghosto looked delicate and he was. My hands traveled further up his torso, feeling his sides and how he breathed, feeling as he sat up straight, the sides of his ribs and almost under his arms. I brought my hands forward, over his chest, my fingers running over his nipples, smiling slightly as they hardened by my passing brush. I continued down, the line of his abs, the small dip of his belly button, then his khakis. He watched me the whole time though I was watching my hands and the shape of them under his white shirt. I broke concentration when I saw his own hands coming to his pants and undo the button on the khakis. He slowly zipped them down. As he did that, I looked at him, seeing his face was down, watching the task at hand. I looked back down, seein his khakis open, the materiel of his soft gray boxers showing underneath. I pushed the cream colored pants down a little more, as far as they would go so I could feel his bare hips. It exposed more of his torso, his drop lines Ghosto was in the best shape. I don't know how he stayed in shape...but it was nice to see it and even better to feel it. Ghosto shuttered a little, but said nothing as I continued feeling him up, through and under his clothes. I didn't go past his hip bones or drop lines though I was tempted to several times. He knows how I am and even raised his hips up to allow me to sink my hand in deeper, but I didn't, too content with feeling him now. He reached up and began to undress himself, taking off his shirt carefully after unbuttoning it. He threw it off to the side and leaned down, his head tucking under my chin as I ran my hands on the planes of his back. So soft, so warm...I was in love with the feel of his skin. My fingers sprayed out across his back as I traced the line of his shoulder blades, his hair tickling my moving hands. I ran my hand back up to the nape of his neck, the root of his thick hair growing and coiled my fingers inside it. His own hands rested on my chest, his mouth on my throat, leaving gentle kisses, small nips and nibbles as he breathed softly. I loved when he did that. I then felt him sit up slowly, my hands falling away from his warm body as he tugged on me to follow. I did, sitting up as far as I could with him on my lap as he pulled up my shirt. I raised my arms up, letting him take it off me while I then pulled off the bandanna I wrapped around my head since I had just washed my hair and didn't feel like soaking it in gel again. He looked at me, love in his eyes and I leaned closer to him, kissing him, puttin my arms around him, loving how his skin felt against mine. His hands rested on my back, stroking softly as I held my arms around his waist. We pulled back slightly, his hair falling over his eyes a little as he then looked at me again. His lips brushed over mine in ghost kisses, his tongue peeking out every now and then as I smiled, the feel of his mouth made me happy. He moved back as his fingers came back, smoothing back my hair, fingertips tracing over my eyebrows as he said,

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I was sometimes amazed at how he felt about me, after all the shit I put him through. Everythin I ever did to him and he found it somewhere inside to love me back. I think I loved him since the moment my eyes fell on him. I remember it so was spring, his hair was so short then, only to his chin and he looked exactly the same as he did now only he stood in jeans and a black coat and some boots. He was a typical looking teenager, but something about how his eyes looked at the world made me think he wasn't so typical. When he looked up, I noticed his skin, it was just as it is now, pale, white, ghastly looking. Then his eyes, how hard and dead they were. It was like looking into a corpse's eyes. It made me wonder what he suffered to get like that. But I loved him for it...even more when I asked his name and he replied Mikkie, stating he had Americanized parents only to find out later that he had picked that name himself since he was born and raised in Kamakura. God he feels so good against my skin...I started to wonder how I could have ever lived without this feeling. If something ever happened to him, I wondered how I could keep on livin knowin I'd never feel this again.

His arm shifted slightly, his arm warm against my body as I looked at him and I kissed his chin, the side of his jaw and then the corner of his mouth. He had his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open as he leaned his head back. I leaned down, going down to his neck, kissing the divine white column, parting my mouth, sucking on the skin, lavishing it with my tongue, sucking gently as he gave a deep sigh. When I was done, I moved back, seein the lovely kiss mark I had left, bright against his white skin. He looked down, smiling slightly as he said,

"Stop marking me."

"Can't help. I love the taste of you."

He gave a gentle laugh, the sound like a breath of air and just as fleeting. I continued touching his skin, my fingers delving past his khakis on his lower back, but not past the material of his boxers. I felt the firm shape of his ass and he shifted slightly, looking down, tucking his head under my chin again as I kissed his ear and moved my hands back up to his lower back. It was my Ghosto's way of saying he was uncomfortable and didn't want me to do that. I respected that and continued touching his back. I laid back down, leaving him sitting as he said,

"You tired already?"

I shook my head, a smile on my face as I said,

"Nah, just wanna look at you."

He sat there for a while, his fingers tracing the lines of my tattoo on my stomach. It tickled slightly, but I didn't stop him. He then looked back at me and said,

"You're making me uncomfortable."


"You're just looking at me."

I sat up, taking him in my arms and then laid him down as I got on top of him. His arms snuck around my mid section as he parted his legs for me so I rested comfortably between them. I wasn't hard which was new for me...usually jus having him straddle me gets me hard in a moments notice...I guess I wasn't thinking about it. But resting between his legs now, it's slowly gettin me there. I leaned down and kissed his throat again, sucking on the skin, listening to him sigh as his fingers traced the back of my neck. My Ghosto then lifted his hips slightly, not to tease but to get comfortable which only resulted in him rubbing against me, makin me moan a little. He stopped as he said,


I shook it off as I took a deep breath as I said,

"Is okay."

I laid back down on top of him as I kissed his throat, sucking near the jugular vein on his neck as he said,

"Stop marking me."

I laughed again as I said,

"I'm not."

I sat up slightly, resting on my arms as he said,

"You don't want to tonight?"

I knew what he was asking. And I knew that was a hard question for him to ask. I wanted to though all the same I was content with this. So I answered.

"Nah...not tonight."

"Any reason why?"

"Cuz I'm fine doin this."

He nodded, cupping my face between his hands as he brought me down to kiss his velvet warm lips. I was in love with how he kissed me. I grasped one of his wrists as I moved it back and continued kissing him.

My Ghosto is soft to the touch, everything about him reminded me of something soft, something smooth and perfect. His skin warm and heated like a warm spring day. I was glad to spend this day with him rather then celebratin like I have every other night. As we laid beside each other that night, his back to me as I spooned him from behind, I kissed the back of his shoulder and the side of his neck. While I held my arm around him I started to think back of the day I met him. Still the same, nothing's changed other then his sense of dress and his hair...everything was perfect about him. Like it is now. Then I thought of my birthday. Stupid meaningless day, that I by passed everytime and let no one know until now. Ghosto could get me to do anythin for him which I probably why I told him. As I laid there, my fingers writing kanji on his back, writing his name over and over again in soft broad strokes, it occurred to me that I did have reason to celebrate and not see my birthday as just another day.

I remembered I met my Ghosto on my birthday all those years back. I had just turned twenty-four. And my life changed forever without me even realizin till now.

Happy birthday to me.