Picture Gallery of urchinjess

Gallery History

This pix gallery is built up at the request of urchinjess, suggested by sq-bread.
On 21th June, 2001, I felt bored :-( and went to the Taiwan Yahoo! Chat room. Then I met this poorest kiddo :-). She was in her university dormitory at that time.
Since then, we keep in touch on ICQ. On 9th August 2001 she sent some pixs (below) drawn by herself to me all of a sudden. I asked why she sent these but the answer was "oh, dunno". Interesting? It seems that she loves drawing at leisure.
On 3rd March 2002, the day b4 I went to Taiwan for work, urchinjess said goodbye to me. It was the last time I saw my net sister on the net.

20s.jpg 21s.jpg 22s.jpg
23s.jpg 24s.jpg 25s.jpg
29s.jpg 30s.jpg 32s.jpg
HEPBURN2s.jpg 31s.jpg

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Picture Gallery of urchinjess
Last Updated March 13, 2002
Web Page by Sq-bread (sq-bread@oocities.com)

URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/1309/gallery.htm