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American football

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Satoru FUJITANI Viva 6m! Title page
This page presents a lot of information about 6m (50Mhz) band and other HAM links in Japan.

Page by JR1MAF.

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Rakugo is Japanese classical comedy spoke by one player. There are two major styles of Rakugo. One is Edo style popular around Tokyo. Another is Kamigata style popular around Osaka. I prefer Kamigata to Edo Style because I lived in Kyoto (Kamigata area) for 9 years, I love kamigata language and culture!

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*Japan,the Lovely Country

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I learned billiards when I was an university student. I like Continental style, but recently American Style is more popular in Japan. I am looking for billiard room of Continental style around Mishima..

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Amerian football (watching only)

Gangstars, football team of Kyoto University, which I graduated, is one of the strongest team in Japan. Naturaly I loved football game without rules or knowledge of formation *laugh* .

[Links to FootBall]

FootBall Page

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It is rather for living than for hobby.. I have had liver trouble for recent years, so I was poor and not busy. This situation took me cooking. I like Chinese dish. When I lived in Yokohama , China town (famous place in Yokohama) is neighborhood, I got chinese spices quite easily. Now I suffer a difficulty to get them ;(

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