The Wheel of Time Reference
Things, Objects, Titles,


Complete to the end of "The Eye of the World", but containing information up to the end of "A Crown of Swords"
Last update - July 22/96

One segment (spoke) of the Wheel of Time.

Amyrlin Seat
The title of the leader of the Aes Sedai. Elected for life by the Hall of the Tower, the Amyrlin Seat (or just the Amyrlin) has, theoretically at least, almost supreme power among the Aes Sedai. She ranks as the equal of a King or Queen. Also, the throne upon which the Amyrlin sits.

Andilay root
A root that is used by Wisdoms and Wise Women to help with fatigue.

A very rare object which allows anyone capable of channeling the One Power to handle a greater amount of the Power than would be safely possible unaided. Angreals are separated into male angreals and female angreals. Remnants of the AoL, the means of their making is no longer known.

Anointed of the Light
Title of the leaders of the COTL, and also of the King of Amador.

Artur Hawkwing's Statue
A statue of Artur Hawkwing, raised by the citizens of his empire, to mark the location of the capital he intended to build. It was located in a stedding north of the Caemlyn Road, halfway between Caemlyn and Whitebridge, but was destroyed during the War of the Hundred Years.

Avendesora -
The Tree of Life, mentioned in many stories and legends. Located in the city of Rhuidean in the Aiel Waste.

A tree grown from a cutting of Avendesora, the Tree of Life. A gift to the King of Cairhien from the Aiel, to establish a peace that lasted a hundred years until King Laman cut it down, starting the Aiel War.

A small, almost invisible biting insect.

A master Swordsman.

Breaking of the World
The events that took place during the Time of Madness. Male Aes Sedai from the AoL, insane from the taint on Saidin, change the face of the earth. They caused great earthquakes, leveled mountain ranges, raised new mountains, lifted dry land where seas had been, made the ocean rush in where dry land had bee. Many parts of the world were completely depopulated, and the survivors were scattered like dust on the wind.

(vb) To control the flow of the One Power.
(n) The act of channeling.

Covenant of the Ten Nations (a.k.a.: The Second Covenant)
A union formed in the centuries after the Breaking of the World (circa 200 AB). Dedicated to the defeat of the Dark One. Broken apart by the Trolloc Wars.

Crowning Stone
Method of selection of Malkieri kings. The Great Lords place colored markers on the stone, the color indicating their choice for King.

Cuendillar (a.k.a.: Heartstone)
An indestructible substance created during the Age of Legends. Any known force used in an attempt to break it is absorbed, making heartstone stronger. The seals on the Dark One's prison are made of cuendillar, yet they are breaking. A paradox as yet unexplained.

Title of the heir to the throne of Andor. The eldest daughter of the Queen succeeds her mother on the throne. Without a surviving daughter, the throne goes to the nearest female blood-relation of the Queen. Currently the Daughter-heir is Elayne Trakand.

Deathshead Mushrooms
A type of mushroom.

Dragon, the
The name by which LTT was known during the WoS.

Dragon Reborn, the
Supposedly LTT reborn. The Dragon Reborn is supposed to save mankind in its hour of need, and face the Dark One at Tarmon Gai'don. RAT is now acknowledged as the Dragon Reborn.

Dragon's Fang
A stylized mark, usually black, in the shape of a teardrop balanced on its point. Together with the Flame of Tar Valon it forms the ancient symbol of Aes Sedai. Scrawled on the door of a house it is an accusation of evil against the people inside.

Dreamwalker (a.k.a.: Dreamer)
Someone who is able to enter Tel'aran'rhiod.

Emond's Glory
A purple flower.

False Dragon
A man falsely claiming to be the Dragon Reborn.

First Prince of the Sword (a.k.a.: First Prince Regent)
Title normally held by the eldest brother of the Queen of Andor, who has been trained since childhood to command the Queen's armies in time of war and to be her adviser in time of peace. If the Queen has no surviving brother, she will appoint someone to the title.

The basic military unit of the Trollocs, varying in number: always more than one hundred, but never more than two hundred. A fist is usually, but not always commanded by a Myrddraal.

Five Powers
There are threads to the One Power, and each person who can channel the One Power can usually grasp som threads better than others. These threads are named after the sort of things that can be done using them -- Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit -- and are called the Five Powers. Most channelers will have a greater degree of strength with one, possibly two of the powers, and lesser strength in the others. Some few are strong in three of the powers, but no one has had great strength in all five since the AoL. Generally men have greater strength in Fire and Earth, while women are stronger in Air and Water, with Spirit being equally divided.

Flame of Tar Valon
The symbol of Tar Valon and the Aes Sedai. A stylized representation of a flame; a white teardrop with the point upward. With the Dragon's Fang, it forms the ancient symbol of Aes Sedai.

Flatwort tea
A tea that is used by Wisdoms and Wise Women to help with fatigue.

An herb used by Wisdoms and Wise Women to help with sleep.

The act of severing a male channeler.

A traveling storyteller, musician, juggler, tumbler and all-around entertainer. Known by their trademark cloaks of many-colored patches, they perform mainly in the villages and smaller towns, since larger towns and cities have other entertainments available.

Great Cities
The largest and most beautiful cities in the various nations. Generally built, or partially built, by Ogier.

Great Hunt of the Horn, the
A cycle of stories concerning the legendary search for the Horn of Valere, in the years between the end of the Trolloc Wars and the beginning of the War of the Hundred Years. If told in their entirety, the cycle would take many days.

Great Pattern(a.k.a.: The Lace of Ages)
The Wheel of Time weaves the Patterns of the Ages into the Great Pattern, which is the whole of existence and reality, past, present and future.

Great Serpent
A symbol for time and eternity, ancient before the Age of Legends began, consisting of a serpent eating its own tail. An even older symbol than the Wheel of Time.

Great Trees
Enormous trees in Ogier stedding. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of years old.

When the Ogier built the Great Cities they planted groves of trees near the cities to remind them of the stedding. In each Grove was planted every tree that could be made to grow there, arranged for beauty as well as for good growing. Most of the Ogier Groves have been destroyed or left untended until they were no more than forest.

A guide post within the Ways. Written in Ogier script it is almost impossible for humans to decipher.

A Talent of Channelling. The ability to heal diseases and injuries using the One Power. Most Aes Sedai believe that Healing is the same for all injuries, but recently, an Asha'man named Damer Flinn has been experimenting with specific weaves for specific injuries.

Heron-mark sword
A sword marked with a heron is considered a blademaster's sword. Most heron-mark swords are made by Master bladesmiths, but a few rare swords are artifacts from the AoL, made by Aes Sedai using the One Power, virtually unbreakable, and never needing sharpening.

High Seat, the
Seat of the leader of the Aes Sedai during the Age of Legends.

Horn of Valere
The object of the Great Hunt of the Horn. The Horn can call back dead heroes from the grave to fight against the Shadow (or the Light if a Darkfriend sounds the Horn.) The Horn creates a link between itself and whoever sounds it, from that time until the Hornsounder's death the Heroes will only come when s/he sounds the Horn. The Horn was recently sounded by Mat Cauthon.

Ingathering of the Lances
Shienaran call to arms.

Karaethon Cycle, the (a.k.a.: The Prophecies of the Dragon)
A series of prophecies, dating back to the AoL that tell of the Dragon's rebirth, and the events leading to Tarmon Gai'don. Accurate, but difficult to understand until after the fact.

A common type of tree.

Light, the
The forces of the Creator, or the Creator himself. One of two forces that vie for control of the universe, opposing the Shadow.

A remnant of the Age of Legends, a Lightstick will generate light when held in the hand, but will burst into flame if broken.

Longing, the
Ogier who are too long Outside the stedding will find himself growing weak, tiring quickly and feeling an extremely strong desire to return to the stedding. If they do not return in time the effects of being Outside become permanent.

A crimson flower.

Machin Shin (a.k.a.: The Black Wind)
An evil that exists in the Ways.

An herb used by Wisdoms and Wise Women to help with sleep.

The evil that exists in Shadar Logoth.

A white flower.

Nine Rods of Dominion, the
???? - Summoned by the leader of the Aes Sedai during the Age of Legends.

One Power, the
The power that drives the universe and turns the Wheel of Time. Channelers draw the One Power from the True Source. Most people are unable to touch the One Power at all, a few can be taught to channel and a very small number are born with the ability. If someone draws the One Power without training, there is only a one in four chance that they will survive the side effects, and then it is likely that they will have formed mental blocks that prevent them from having full control over their channeling.

Ogier term for the world outside of the stedding.

Pattern of an Age(a.k.a.: the Age Lace)
The Wheel of Time weaves the threads of human lives into the Pattern of an Age, which forms the substance of reality for that Age.

Queen's Bounty
A gift from the Queen of Andor to beggars in Caemlyn. Either money or food.

Queen's Crowns
A type of edible mushroom.

Queen's Writ, the
The laws of Andor, made by the Queen and enforced by the Queen's Guard.


Ring of Tamyrlin, the
Symbol of the leader of the Aes Sedai during the Age of Legends.

Rose Crown
The crown of Andor. A gold crown of finely-wrought roses.

An extremely rare object which allows an individual to channel much more of the One Power than would otherwise be possible or safe. A more powerful version of an angreal. Remnants of the AoL, the means of their making is no longer known.

The female half of the One Power.

The male half of the One Power. Tainted by the Dark One at the end of the WoS.

Shining Walls
The walls of Tar Valon.

A cloth, usually the color of sand or rock that wraps around the head and neck leaving only the face bare.

Singing, the
???? - "It will soon be time for the Singing"

Term of address among Aes Sedai.

Songs of Growing
Ogier songs used to enhance and control the growth of trees.

Spring Pole
A pole used in ceremonies for Bel Tine.

A crimson flower.

An Ogier homeland. Many stedding have been abandoned since the Breaking of the World. They are portrayed in story and legend as havens, and with reason. They are shielded in some way, no longer understood, so that within them no one can channel the One Power, nor even sense that the True Source exists. Attempts to wield the One Power from outside a stedding have no effect inside a stedding boundary. No Trolloc will enter a stedding unless driven, and evan a Myrddraal will do so only at the greatest need annd then wiht the greatest reluctance adn distaste. Even Darkfriends, if truly dedicated, fell uncomfortable within a stedding.

Small, nasty insect that looks like a stick. When it bites its juices begin to digest the person or animal bitten, and the only way to save them is to cut off the bitten appendage.

The act of severing a female channeler.

The Ogier term for their working with stone. The building of the Great Cities.

A game of strategy popular in all nations.

Stump, the
The meeting place of Ogier Elders. Also the meetings themselves. Someone who wishes to speak formally to the Elders must "address the Stump".

A yellow flower.


Taint, the
A taint placed on Saidin by the Dark One. Like an oil slick on water Saidin remains pure, but cannot be touched without reaching through the Taint. The Dark One provides protection from the taint for the male Forsaken, but no other source of protection is known.

A tiny pink flower.

Ta'maral'ailen(a.k.a.: Web of Destiny, Great Web)
A great change in the Pattern of an Age, centered around one or more people who are ta'veren.

Tarmon Gai'don(a.k.a.: The Last Battle. The Last Hunt (wolves))
Supposedly the final battle between Light and Shadow, when the Dragon is supposed to face the Dark One.

A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding life-threads, perhaps all life threads, to form a Web of Destiny. Ta'veren vary in strength as well as in the effects of their ta'veren nature. RAT, MC, and PBA are all ta'veren.

A Talent of Channelling. The ability to open a Gateway, allowing instantaneous travel across vast distances. (In the first book, LTT and EMT apparently traveled without Gateways, but not since.)

True Source, the
The source of the One Power.

Voice, the
???? - "Have you the Voice"

Way of the Leaf, the
A philosophy of total non-violence followed by the Aiel in the AoL and by the Tuatha'an currently. "The leaf lives its appointed time, and does not struggle against the wind that carries it away. The leaf does no harm, and finally falls to nourish new leaves. So it should be with all men."

The entrance to the Ways. Looks like a stone wall with leaves and vines carved in exquisite detail.

Wheel of Time, the
Time is a wheel with seven spokes, each spoke an Age. As the Wheel turns, the Ages come and go, each leaving memories that fade to legend, then to myth, and are forgotten by the time that Age comes again. The Pattern of an Age is slightly different each time an Age comes, and each time it is subject to greater change, but each time it is the same Age. Also a symbol of eternity.

A woman who is born with the ability to channel and who has managed to teach herself a rough sort of control over the Power. Even after training in the White Tower they are still often referred to a Wilders, and looked down upon. Despite this Wilders often make the most powerful Aes Sedai.

A pink flower.

In villages, a woman chosen by the Women's Circle to sit in the Circle for her knowledge of such things as healing and foretelling the weather, as well as for common good sense. A position of great responsibility and authority, both actual and implied. She is generally considered the equal of the Mayor, and in some villages his superior. Unlike the Mayor, she is chosen for life, and it is very rare for a Wisdom to be removed from office before her death. Almost traditionally in conflict with the Mayor. All Wisdoms are supposed to be able to "listen to the wind" and perform other near-miraculous feats, but in reality the few who can actually do this are usually Wilders (women who taught themselves to channel).

Creatures in the blight. Extremely dangerous.

A flower.

© 1996 James A. Welsh (except content which is © Robert Jordan)

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