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The RunDog's Grobe Logo Welcome to The RunDog International !
Since Dec.1995 Updated Nov.2003
Counter (Counter preset at Dec.2002)

Ring Server Open Laboratory Logo Hi! Welcome/welcomeback to mau and yumirin's personal home page named "The RunDog".
RunDog is a personal project of mau and yumirin's hobbys and personal works.
This page is an International Cover Page of The RunDog, an entrance of The RunDog English version pages and a bridge to The RunDog Japanese pages.

If you want to link to this site with BANNERs, you can use this ones. International Main

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Japanese Pages (left:Main / right:Annex)

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(c) Copyright 1995-2003 by RunDog
Spacial thanks to Advanced Network Daemons, taa-net, Vector, Yahoo Geocities, egroups, Communication Online, ISIZE.

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