Video and Audio Clips of Amuro Namie

Please read the Disclaimer at the bottom.

Audio Clips

Try Me
Taiyo no Season
Stop the music
Body Feels Exit, provided by TK
Don't Wanna Cry, provided by TK
Chase the Chance, provided by TK

Video Clips

'Monkey1.mpg', provided by Jerry Chong
Amuro Namie with Super Monkeys in Dance (4,556,584).
'Monkey2.mpg', provided by Jerry Chong
Amuro Namie with Super Monkeys in dance sequence. (6,429,028 bytes)
'Monkey3.mpg', provided by Jerry Chong.
'A short clip showing Amuro Namie facing the camera after
singing 'Try me' and a gust of wind blow her hair followed
by applause. (967,504 bytes)

Your standard DISCLAIMER:William Cheung does not claim ownership nor does he claim responsibility for the material presented on this page and its links. Thank you.
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Last Modified 12 April 1996