My husband and me
Evelyn and Peter W. Scott     Continue

About myself:
Born and raised in Tacoma (lived in Nancy, France for a few years).
My mother, originally from Yokohama and my father, from North Carolina; celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary earlier this year.
I have 4 older sisters, one niece and lots of cats/dogs "relatives".
My handsome husband has given me a wonderful step-son
and a beautiful, intelligent step-daughter with a husband and two kids.
Japanese - read/write better than speak
French - rusty, but almost fluent
German - some words/phrases (thanks to my husband)

My husband and I hope to visit my relatives in Japan, his in Germany and tour France,Italy and Sicily in the near future.

Computers, computers, computers; reading.
Star Trek (since the 1960s) - all versions;
Shahna, our cat (named after a character on a Star Trek episode)
Education (or as our families say "collecting college degrees" - I have 2, my husband 4)
Enka (Hosokawa Takashi, Niinuma Kenji, Kitajima Saburo);
music by Fujiyama Ichiro and Obata Minaru;
Beatles; U2; Abba; A-ha; Journey; Rolling Stones.
ika; ochazuke; shabu-shabu; edamame; tonkatsu and any soba/ramen.
Shakespeare, Chaucer, Kafka, Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, love comics also!