
This is just a simple IT jargon CyberPuzzle. Please feel free try to solve it. Should you stuck and need any clue, please feel free to email me. Enjoy !

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1. The developer of Windows 95 (9)
2. The IT man, Gates (4)
3. email Office (4)
4. Ring Network Topology (5)
5. SPARC (3)
6. User Interface (2)
7. A popular Web browser (8)
8. group (4)
9. A language use to create Webpage (4)
10. Jet (3)
11. Microsoft Proprietary Network (3)
12. Integrated Circuit (2)
13. Boolean is all about YES or (2)
14. CD-ROM box (5)
15. Cut and (5)
16. Object Oriented (3)
17. Reality (7)
18. A kind of computer memory (3)
19. is my email (7)


a. A new programming language for internet, starting with HOT.... (7)
b. A global computer network (8)
c. IBM OS/2 (4)
d. Related to HTTP (3)
e. A popular online services in USA (3)
f. System (9)
g. Arial is a (4)
h. Internet Protocol is / IP (3)
i. A popular Windows based graphics adventure games (4)
j. Software Bug (5)
k. Online computer bulletine services (3)
l. The creator if this puzzle/webpage (5)
m. An entry level Unix Operating System (5)
n. An internet communication protocol in Windows (7)
o. Unix (3)

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M Please email your answer or just to let me know if you enjoy this puzzle.
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