Kenny Chong Warcraft Resources

New Warcraft 1 & Beyond The Dark Portal Puds !
Welcome to Kenny Chong's no-nonsense Warcraft Resource Webpage. Please feel free to visit this webpage and download the extra campaign level for both version of the Blizzard Games.

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[Content of this page is partly provided by Kingsley Chong]

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Beware! The Orcs Are Waiting For You...

The Orc and Human

Warcraft 1 Cheat Codes

To enter cheat code, during game play, hit ENTER and a MSG: prompt will appear at the bottom of the screen, then enter the following codes:

Cheat Code Action
corwin of amber Enables the following 2 Warp modes
HUMAN # Warp to any human mission. Replace # with the number of the mission you want to warp to. 1-12
ORC # Warp to any orc mission. Replace # with the number of the mission you want to warp to. 1-12
pot of gold To get lots of gold and lumber
sally shears Show entire game map
iron forge Get the best weapon and shield strength
eye of newt To acquire magic and make rain fire never end
hurry up guys Fast building capabilities
ides of march Takes you to the campaign victory

Warcraft 1 Extra Level

This files are custom designed by Kenny Chong to further provide extra fun for great Warcraft.


Files and content: (more to be available soon)
KENNY1_1.ZIP  Kenny Chong Level 1
KENNY1_2.ZIP  Kenny Chong Level 2
KENNY1_3.ZIP  Kenny Chong Level 3 
KENNY1_4.ZIP  Kenny Chong Level 4 

The Tides of Darkness

Warcraft 2 Demo Version
You may download the demo version of the game if you haven't got a copy on hand. It's as far as I am concerned, the best computer games ever created in this planet. Click here to visit WWW.SHAREWARE.COM for searching and downloading the demo version.

Warcraft 2 Cheat Codes
To enter cheat code, during game play, hit ENTER and a MSG: prompt will appear at the bottom of the screen, then enter the following codes:
Cheat Code Action
glittering prizes Get 10000 gold, 5000 lumber and 5000 oil
valdez Get 5000 oil immediately
spycob Get 5000 oil
Never a winner Impossible to win, disable end sequence
it is a good day to die Invincibility units
magic To acquire magic
no glues To turns off traps
show path Shows entire game map
on screen Shows entire game map
showpath Shows entire game map without fog
day Turns the map light and show "FEIF" message
deck me out Upgrade all units
every little thing she does Full magic for all units
make it so Fast building capabilities
hatchet Fast lumber collection
there can only be one force to win, end of game
You pitiful worm admits defeat
fastdemo Play demos between levels
Unite the clans Instant victory
tigerlily Enable the following 2 Warp modes
human# Warp to any human mission. Replace # with the number of the mission you want to warp to
orc# Warp to any Orc mission. Replace # with the number of the mission you want to warp to
disco To play a special background music for your pleasure
ucla To displays "Go Bruins" above the message box, no special effect
noglues Disables magical traps
allowsync Concede a modem game
i don't think so Removes a victory
tombstone To stops Orc traps
title Make units go faster
Netprof Laser light show
spycob 5,000 Units Of Oil
very cosmic
i agree
Other cheat codes, effect still unkown to me. Let me know if you do. Thanks.

Cheat codes for the demo version
Special thanks for Ryan Farley (DRFARLEY@JUNO.COM) for the codes

Cheat Code Action
showmap Uncovers map
cash Get 10000 gold, 5000 lumber and 5000 oil.
fastbuild Speeds up building process
allowjumps Enables the following Warp modes
orc# Warp to any Orc mission. Replace # with the number of the mission you want to warp to. 1-3.
human# Warp to any Human mission. Replace # with the number of the mission you want to warp to. 1-3.

Warcraft 2 Extra Campaign Level

Malaysia Is Under Orc's Attack

This is a Warcraft 2 extra campaign designed by Kingley and Kenny Chong to further provide extra fun. This is a 12 levels single player campaign.

The Storyline: Now, Malaysia is under Orc's attack. They have virtually rule the nation and civilian are always attacked and killed by Orc for food. You, as a young Malaysian who is a farmer in a little kampung (village) in a Northern province of Perlis. You as the hero of the entire story to lead and challenge the Orc and drive them away from Malaysia. Starting from Northern province right till the Southern most Region in Johor province and Singapore Island. Plan you strategy or else you will be chop in pieces by the creature. The future of Malaysia is now under your hand!


Filename Storyline Game Type
KENNY1.PUD In a small little village in the province of Perlis, you, a kampung boy(village boy) is working in a sheep farm. Soon you discovered that Orcs are building their settlements.

Objective: Eliminate them before they do so!
Against 3 Orcs
KENNY2.PUD After discovering that your nation is under attack, you lead villagers to rage a war against the Orc.

Objective: Lead a team of villagers to attack and recapture Langkawi Island already under Orc control.
Against 2 Orcs
KENNY3.PUD A message from the neighboring nation, Indonesia : "The Orcs are preparing to capture the Penang Island".

Objective: Lead a team of villagers to defend the island
Against 2 Orcs
KENNY4.PUD Congratulation! You have been promoted by the Sultan of the province to Commander of the Regimen Askar Melayu.

Objective: Now lead your troop across the straits and back from Penang Island to Peninsula Malaysia.
Against 1 Orcs
KENNY5.PUD The Orcs has been dominating the sea and regularly hunt our fishermen for food.

Objective: Protect the Kelang Harbor. Strengthen your military power and remove their sea power once and for all.
Against 3 Orcs
KENNY6.PUD Now, move your men to Kuala Lumpur.

Objective: Defense the city at all cost.
KENNY7.PUD Lothar is the secret agent who is very well-verse in Malaysia's southern region. Rescue Lothar from Orc's capture in Melaka province.

Objective: You may need across the strait to Pulau Besar (Big Island) to perform a search and rescue.
Against 1 Orcs
KENNY8.PUD Thank Allah(god)! With the help of Lothar, you are now able to understand the positions of Orc in the regions, including the Orc training camp and Catapult Factory.

Objective: Attack and kill all Orc in the camp in Negeri Sembilan province.
Against 2 Orcs

Objective: Destroy Orc's catapult production plant located in Johor Baru.
Against 1 Orcs
KENNYA.PUD Now, you are have eliminated Orc's presence in the nation of Malaysia. Next, cross a bridge to Singapore Island.

Objective: Take control of the bridge, this will directly cut the food and water supply to Orc's stronghold located in Singapore Island.
KENNYB.PUD At the hearth of the Singapore island, a face to face encounter between you and the Orc is unavoidable.

Objective: Kill to survive.
Against 1 Orcs
KENNYC.PUD You have finally reach the hearth of Orc's main stronghold located in the Sentosa Island.

Objective: Make you way to victory.!
KENNYD.PUD Orcs are preparing for massive counter attack.

Objective: Protect your territory and destroy the Orcs.
KENNYE.PUD Orcs are preparing for another massive counter attack in Kuala Lumpur.

Objective: Protect the city at all cost.
KENNYF.PUD Both Orc and human are in need of money.

Objective: Secure all gold mines from Orc and kill all the Orc.
KENNYG.PUD Free Kuala Lumpur from Orc and make it a safe heaven.

Objective: Get rid of all Orcs at once.
The End The end if Orcs brings the flame of victory to you and your people. But don't relax. Watch out for more Orc attack!

Beyond The Dark Portal PUDs

The following requires Beyond The Dark Portal CDROM to play. All are single player PUDs. Let me know if you like it. Enjoy !

Filename Storyline Game Type
KENNYDP1.PUD Rescue your peon to build a kingdom in a village near Dark Portal. Against ? Orcs
KENNYDP2.PUD 3 Musketeers, will you be able to rules the world ? Against ? Orcs
KENNYDP3.PUD Fight for gold in the swamp land. No time for rest! Against 3 Orcs

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If you enjoy these extra game level or need hint, please feel free to write to Kenny Chong:
1. Internet email: MKenny Chong
2. Webpage

Copyright © 1995-97 by Kenny Chong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Content is copyright Material of Kingley Chong.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information published in this Webpage. However, in no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the information provided. Thank you for visiting this Website.
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