Pok House of PCMS, Macau.

This page is for the Pok House alumni, who gratuated from Pui Ching Middle School (Macau) in July, 1985 or had studied as this house member.

E-mail Address List

Name / URL Chi.Name E-mail Address
Chong Kit Hung 鍾傑雄 kchong@newbridge.com
Kuan Chi Leong 關志良 ckuan@harp.aix.calpoly.edu
Lam Vai Pui 林煒培 wai-pui_lin@hc.newsoft.com.tw
Ho Wai Hong 何偉雄 who@mail.vt.edu
Lam Hin Kin 林顯鍵 ken_lam@abtassoc.com
Lam Tong 林東 tr-lam@uchicago.edu
Lao Kam Veng 劉錦榮 andy837@macau.ctm.net
Chow Cheok Man 周卓敏 c.chow@miranda.umds.ac.uk
Chui Chio Kuan 崔釗坤 itehk@netvigator.com
Chiu Ying Ha 趙映霞 94yhchiu@alumni.ee.ust.hk
Lou Sai Hong 盧世康 slo@apex.net
Yu Sai Cheong 余世長 escyu@macau.ctm.net
Chan Chi Chon 陳子駿 deecchan@macau.ctm.net
Chum Pak Keong (photo) 覃伯強 touchmed@netvigator.com
Kong Kit Ieng 鄺潔瑩 kkitieng@ms10.hinet.net
Sam Kam Tong 岑錦棠 samuel_sam@yahoo.com
Leong Iao Cheng 梁祐澄 licrch@macau.ctm.net
Chan Kit Mei 陳潔薇 millie@macau.ctm.net
Chio Iuen Sang 趙元生 chaowily@scbhk.mhs.compuserve.com
Leong Chi Veng 梁志榮 Johnny_Leong/Synergy%SYNERGY@tnpn.net.au
Koon Kin Veng 官建泳 kvkoon@macauweb.com
Cheong Ka Cheong 張家祥 c315783@macau.ctm.net
Leung Kwok Tung 梁國棟 gordonkt@netvigator.com
Ho Hong Ion (photo 1 2 3 4) 何康潤 angusho@macau.ctm.net
Lao Tin Leong 劉天亮 p9502684@mailhost2.ipm.edu.mo
Lok Sai Hou 陸世豪 dlok@gmail.gcn.net.tw
Cheong Sio Kei 張紹基 calvincc@macau.ctm.net
Iam Lap Fong 任立峰 yamlf@ssm.gov.mo
Wong Wan Man 王韻文 billywong@email.msn.com
Billy Chin (Ian Hung Hang) 甄孔恆 billy.chin@alcatel.com.hk
Lam Tai Man 林大文 robert.lim@sealedair.com
Lei Pui Fan 李佩芬 teddy@macau.ctm.net
Fung Woon Kee 馮煥基 ptrf@hotmail.com
Sio Man Ngai 蕭文毅 manixsio@yahoo.com

If you want to add, change, delete the data, subscribe a mailing address list (file or hardcopy) of Pok House, or have some ideas of this homepage, just write a mail to Sio Man Ngai or ICQ 456973.

本網頁刊載 澳門培正中學博社 (1985) 同學 的 電子郵箱地址。 如 同學們 欲提供有關之 最新 資料, 或對此網頁之 任何建議等, 歡迎你寫信給 蕭文毅 或 ICQ 456973。
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Last updated: Jan 28, 2000
Copyright Manix M.N. Sio