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Marriage Ceremony in Japan 


The announcement party was held in July 27th, 1996 at Hotel Laforet Tokyo in Shinagawa Yard, Tokyo. Including Hanisah's Malaysian family, 130 visitors joined our party. We could meet with almost friends again. Because of everybody's greeting, we could have a very pleasant time.

Acknowledgement :

We would like to say thank you very much to all visitors sharing the pleasure time with us. We were glad to get elders' advises and cooperation from friends and relatives. All of our ideas were realized by Mr. M. Kamata and staffs of The Hotel Laforet. And such a happiest day was unable to exist without our parents.

September 28th, 1996
Hidenori@Khadi Ogawa, Hanisah Shuib

The common Japanese marriage ceremony 

控え室にてFor Japanese couples, the day in which their marriage ceremony held is most hard one. Even though they become tired because of their new home's preparation, they hold an announcement party and secondary party within the day followed by a wedding travel for 1-2 weeks from its next day. All preparations just come at once!

Visitor :

Although marriage ceremony is hold with only their family, to its announcement party couples invite ceremonious guests such as bosses and seniors in their office, former teachers, best friends and relatives. And secondary party is for all of their friends. It differs with their county, the number of invitation visitors is from tens to hundreds. Couples take up their guests and send invitation cards in one month before.

Place :

Marrage ceremony and announcement party are both held in a hotel or memorial hall. Secondary party is in same place or a Western style restaurant.

Date :

As same as European countries, June bride is popular in Japan. Spring and also autumn are nuptial seasons and hotels and memorial halls offer many marriage packs such as 1.2 million yen for 100 guests. Wedding day is determined according to Japanese old calendar. Generally, Taian - " the big rest day " and Tomobiki - " the drawing friend day " are good day for wedding. For Taian wedding in weekend of June, we need to reserve its place before 1 year.

Dress :

We can rent all clothing for the party at most of hotels and halls. Nuptial traditional style is kimono, " haori " and " hakama " - black one for a bridegroom and " shiro-muku " - snow white one for a bride during marriage ceremony. In an announcement party, bride changes her clothing to more colorful kimono called " iro-uchikake " . However today, few couple have worn kimono during all of an announcement party. All young people imagine a bride as wearing snow white dress of the West. It became general that in the middle of the announcement party, the couple change their clothing into Western style. Some of a little covetous brides changes her dress to another colorful one from snow-white again with spending almost all time of the party with spare clothing. :-)

Marriage ceremony :

A marriage ceremony is performed based on religion of the bride and bridegroom such as Buddhism or Goddess. However, since most Japanese are non-religion, couples increasing who hold their ceremony at a church even though they are not Christians. Although it is a strange thing, in order to get more customer, many hotels and halls have a church and an altar only for marriage ceremonies. :-)

Announcement party :

In an announcement party, the couple serves a full-course dinner of France or Chinese or Japanese-style food to all visitors and presents them with something like a tableware, and confectioneries or a sea bream which is symbol of happiness in Japan as souvenir. A couple called " Nakoudo " and main guests make speeches and some friends do an entertainment, such as a song or a musical instrument. The main events of the party are couple's cutting a big wedding cake and lighting candles on each tables. In order to be showy, I think, almost big wedding cakes are imitations made from plastic. Till several years before, the showy marriage ceremony had been in fashion. In those days, the couple appears riding on a gondola with smoke of dry ice. Now, a rather simple marriage has been in fashion. The case of only a secondary party is also increasing. They like spending more money for their new house and travel than for the marriage ceremony.


In old days, almost Japanese used to find her/his partner within a ceremony called " Omiai " , a kindly busybody old couple, called " Nakoudo " makes them to meet. Currently, although there are some people having omiai, most people find their partner with themselves and asked their boss or former to act the role of Nakoudo.

Expense :

The price of a marriage ceremony and an announcement party is several million yen. Almost half of it is provided with the congratulatory gift from visitors.

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The selling point of our marriage ceremony 

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The agenda of our party 

Report of the marriage ceremony in Malaysia
Mr. Kuninari Taga
Equivalent to a greeting of Nakoudo
Congratulations by bridegroom's main guest
Mr. Toshiro Masuda
Congratulations by bride's main guest
Mr. Rikihiro Madarame
Congratulations by bridegroom's another main guest
Mr. Ichiro Katayama
Mr. Peter Hii
Bride's changing clothes of bride
Cake Cutting (see thetop photo)
Khadi and Hanisah
Equivalent to candle service
Speech by bridegroom's friend in his office
Mr. Suguru Wada
Speech with entertainment by bride's senior in her office
Mr. Colin Price
With Kabuki style!
Speech by bridegroom's friend in his university period
Mr. Nobuo Moyama
Speech by bride's senior in her university period
Ms. Yoko Kawaguchi
(Nemic Lambda)
A raw performance of a peace drum
Bouquet Toss
Unmarried female visitors
Making a Present of another rose bouquets to parents
Khadi and Hanisah and parents
Acknowledgement from both-families representation
Akio Ogawa
Acknowledgement from Couple
Khadi and Hanisah
Words of Finishing the Party
Kiyotaka Ogo and
Ms. Miki Nakamura
Sending off
Khadi and Hanisah and family
Bunga Telor is handed to all visitor.

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