Joint  Year Program

The Year Program (YP), far and away AFS's most popular option, is a year-long educationalexploration of another country's culture. The AFS Year Program student lives with a host family, attends a local school and becomes involved in community activities. Students completely immerse themselves in another culture by nurturing relationships with the local community, speaking the local language and taking part in their daily routines. Host school attendance is required, not optional, for Year Program participants.

Joint Semester Program

The Semester Program (SP) lasts about six months over the course of an academic school semester. Like the Year Program, students stay with host families, attend local schools and take part in community activities. Host school attedance is required, not optional, for Semester Program participants.
For Deatils for this program check address below

Joint Intensive Program

The Intensive Program (IP) is a shorter-length option involving exchanges lasting from one to three months, usually during a break in the student's academic year. The Intensive Program studentmay select from a number of options, including a traditional homestay, a concentrated language program, an outdoor education program or a cultural studies program.
For This Program You Should contact AFS Indonesia:

JL. Cibulan No. 11
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12170
Office Phone: (62) (21) 720 3817
Office Fax: (62) (21) 720 2320
Office E-Mail:

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