

Hy!!! I'm very happy that you're visiting my COOL WEB SITE! Below are some information about me. Please e-mail me at: dannylaw@juno.com. Let's become e-mail pals! Don't forget to check out the LEON LAI INFO PAGE, which has TONS of LEON stuff for you to explore! Also, please be sure to view the COOL Leon pictures at my LEON LAI COOL PICS PAGE! Finally, I would appreciate it very much if you would sign my Guest Book.

All About ME:

Real Name: Danny Law
Chinese Name: Ka Leung Law
Birthdate: February 1979 (send card?)
Birth Place: Guangzhou, China
Nickname: Pork Leg :-P
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: around 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs
Shoe Size: 12
Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Japanese
Education: The UW (University of Washington)
Driving: 2 years of experience
Vehicle: My cool mountain bike
Favorite Foods: Seafood, Japanese, Chinese, watermelon...YOU NAME IT!
Favorite Colors: Orange, green, and black
Favorite Sports: Basketball and swimming
Favorite Pastime: Draw, videogames, listen to Leon songs, and lots of other things
Favorite Places: Hong Kong and Guangzhou
Favorite Music Instruments: Piano and flute
Favorite Male Singer: LEON LAI!
Favorite Female Singer: SAMMI CHENG!
Favorite Cantonese Songs: "Nameless Song, Nameless You", "Summer of Love", and "I LUV U OK" (all Leon's)
Favorite Mandarin Songs: "Dawn at Deep Autumn", "Why Are You Not My Future" (both Leon's)
Singers I Like: Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Linda Wong, Sally Yip, Alan Tam
Favorite Actors: Michael Hui, Chow Yun Fat, Leon Lai, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise
Favorite American Movie: "Forrest Gump"
Favorite HK Movie: "Love City" (Leon Lai)
Most Proud Of: Getting 100% on driving test, receiving award from Seattle mayor
What I Fear: Spiders, Insects, Dogs
What People Tell Me: "You KINDA look like Leon." (Yeah, right!)
BIGGEST Dream: Meet Leon in person! Go to his concerts!!!
Second Dream: Wanna visit Japan!

生日: 1979年2月(寄張卡來!)
生肖: 羊
外號: "豬比", "亮豬" (Oink!)
星座: 水瓶座
身高: 179公分
體重: (平均)67.5公斤
鞋號: 12碼
語言: 廣東話,國語,英文,日語
食: 不挑食,喜愛海鮮,日本/中國菜,西瓜
衣: 平時以T恤.牛仔褲為最愛
花朵: 郁金香
顏色: 橙.綠.藍.黑
運動: 游泳.籃球
休閒活動: 畫畫.遊戲機.看書.睡覺
最喜愛男歌手: 黎明
最喜愛女歌手: 鄭秀文
最喜愛廣東歌: "沒名字的歌,無名字的妳","夏日傾情","I LUV U OK","愛的輓歌"
最喜愛國語歌: "深秋的黎明","為何你不是我的未來"
最喜愛電影: "都市情緣","愛你愛到殺死你"
其他歌手: 劉德華.張學友.Linda Wong.Sally Yip.Alan Tam
演員: 許冠文.周潤發.成龍.黎明.Tom Cruise.Tom Hanks
有人話:"你有點像黎明." (癡線!!!)
第一夢想: 會黎明,去黎明演唱會!!
第二夢想: VISIT 日本

Guess who?? 這是誰??

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Please e-mail to: dannylaw@juno.com.

歡迎你來 E-MAIL!

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This page is created by Danny Law.


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